
Thursday, December 19, 2013

I Finally Figured It Out, Herbally Speaking!

Today was my last day of jelly making for 2013!  Yippee!  I got three recipes of rosemary garlic jelly made.  I finally figured out how to get the bits of rosemary and garlic suspended throughout the jelly.  You would think that after the hundreds of jars I have made over the years that I would have figured it out before this!

Once the Certo is added and it is boiled for exactly a minute, take it off the heat and start stirring for five additional minutes.  This will take away what little foam there is and it will suspend the bits throughout the jelly!  So I have updated my recipe for you in the link above.

We had a beautiful day here in the 'Burgh.  Very bright sunshine and it's going to get warmer!  Rainy and warm!  Typical December weather!  No white Christmas for us this year!  It will be cold, but no snow.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.  Oh, finally got a wreath on our front door.


  1. It was beautiful here today too. All of the snow from last weekend has melted away and I can use my driveway again without sliding all over the place :)

  2. I know you are sending that weather our way, Carol and I appreciate it! xo

  3. This jelly looks wonderful! You sure have a talent for creating beautiful and delicious jellies.

    It is warm down here, a.c. is on again.

    I plan to do some more baking today and finishing up a project.

    Love and hugs to you and HH.


  4. Well, I finally solve the mystery of this one for me. I just couldn't get the bits to suspend! We will be warm up here the next several days but rainy! No white Christmas! Like to have a bit of snow. Take care, dear FL. xo

  5. I never thought of doing that ever! What a simple way to get the herbs in suspension! You are such a clever woman. Have a great Holiday!


  6. Well, I took a chance, Marcy and it works out! Hope you and your family have a great holiday as well! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady