
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Remembering Claude Monet's House and Gardens, Giverny, France-2007 and 2011!

It is not often that you get to visit a place twice in a lifetime.  I have been privileged to see Giverny, France and the home and gardens of Claude Monet in two different seasons.  First in October of 2007 and then again in July of 2011.  I'll let you decide when you think is the best time to visit.  Giverny is just not about Claude Monet, but the village is quite quaint and the Impressionists Museum and gardens are a treat as well.  Hope you enjoy these visits.

Monet's House in October, 2007
Monet's House in July, 2011
Perennial Borders in October, 2007
Perennial Borders in July, 2011
The Nasturtium Walk in October, 2007
The Nasturtium Walk in July, 2011
Another View of the Perennial Borders in October, 2007
Another View of the Perennial Borders in July, 2011
The Lily Pond in October, 2007
The Lily Pond in July, 2011
Well, we are experiencing our coldest day this year so far and we are only 28 days into 2014!  Yikes!  Hope you are staying warm wherever you may be!  Talk to you later.

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Lemon Verbena Lady