
Monday, January 27, 2014

Remembering Summer in Paris, France-July, 2011!

We ended our European vacation in July 2011 visiting Paris!  We have had several trips to Paris, but none in the tourist season.  Here are some recollections of Paris 2011.  I enjoyed every moment I could in the gardens in Paris.  They are beautiful maintained and a joy to see!  Hope you are staying warm wherever you may be.  We are only going to get colder.  Talk to you later.
Last Time We Were at Notre Dame, There Was Scaffolding!
Lavender and Rosemary Near Notre Dame!
A Bright and Colorful Flower Bed at Sacre Coeur
La Basilique du Sacre Coeur de Montmartre
Looking Down to the City from Sacre Coeur
It's All About Plants in This Garden
Look at the Beautiful Sage and Rosemary!
Looks Like the Dill is in Bloom Here!
Always Have to Have Sunflowers!
Wonderful Combinations of Flowers and Colors!
Love to Walk Down the Long Borders of Color!
Loved the Various Heights and Choices of Flowers and Herbs Used!
Another Color Palette,  Heights and Flowers!
Have to End with a Glorious Rosemary!


  1. How fun! I have always wanted to visit Paris and hope to someday when I have the time and money. I love using aromatherapy herbs in a vaporizer and if you haven't tried it you really should. Here's an article about it I found helpful.

  2. I like your blog, is very informative. good work


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