
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Herbal Spring and a Timeout!

Keep Cutting and Pulling Dead Herbs Out of the Garden!

Won't Have to Worry About the Arugula Crop This Year!
Some Sages Are Making an Appearance!
Germander Before Its Trim!
This is the Way All Herbs Should Come Back!  Again Germander.
My 'Silver King' Artemisia is a Mess, but Alive!
Very Happy to See the Feverfew is Coming Back!
I Thought I Lost My Rosemary-Leaf Santolina!  It's Alive!

So you know the drill by now.  I have left you with the first signs of an herbal spring in the 'Burgh.  I'm going to take a short break.  I'm leaving The Herbal Husband in charge.  The garden is in good hands!  Hope your spring is progressing well.  I will talk to you again soon.


  1. It is so good to see your herbs sprouting up and filling your gardens with bits of green. It is exciting to see and I bet you enjoyed their scents too as you weeded and trimmed.

    Have a good break ~ FlowerLady

  2. Thanks FL! It has been such a rough winter for us! It is good to have a bit of green. Thanks for coming by as always! xo

  3. Isn't it time for you to return now ? We're missing you :)

  4. Yes dear Carol! Have you been counting the days? Don't quite have my gardening legs or time change under me yet, but will post soon. Later today or tomorrow! xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady