
Friday, April 18, 2014

It Will Be a Different Herb Garden This Year!

Moved this Primula into the Edge of the Herb Garden
The Green Pepper Basil Has Started to Flower!
The Mints and the Rosemarys Need Sunshine!
My Favorite, Lemon Verbena Growing New Shoots!
I Guess This Lemon Balm is Trying to Give Me A Theme for the Herb Garden!
Suddenly A Space Has Opened Up in the Herb Garden!
My herb garden was redesigned in 2005 and so nine years have gone by and I can tell that it needs some extra attention this year.  With the winter being as harsh as it was, I have lost some older woody plants.  Lavenders that weren't pruned correctly and sages that were just too woody to survive.  We had 10 days that were below zero and that is probably nine days more than we usually have.

So since I found a lemon balm that has sprung up in the herb garden, I guess the theme of my garden this year is a lemon one.  I have a good start with the lemon balm in the garden :) and a lemon verbena and a couple of lemon scented geraniums that are sitting on a west facing windowsill waiting to escape!  I'm planning a trip in a couple of weeks without The Herbal Husband and I hope that he behaves himself and shows restraint in NOT planting any of his plants in my herb garden!  He always finds a way though!

So I hope you have a great Easter weekend with your family and friends.  We are going to have great weather here and so I intend to be working to awaken my herb garden.  Please let me know how yours is coming along!  Happy Easter!  Talk to you later.


  1. Had such fond hopes of actually working outside until the latest 6" of snow arrived...but this coming week - 50's to 60's are on the way - be still my heart!!
    Like your sages and lavenders, am wondering what survived...they were all temprarily housed elsewhere due to the new herb bed being built late in the season. I do have many thyme plants that made it though & picked a few sprigs just to inhale their fragrance!
    Your green pepper basil sounds intriguing. Looking forward to seeing what surprises your Herbal Husband has in store for you on your return:o)

  2. Hope you have a wonderful Easter! We are having some delightful weather finally.

  3. Happy Easter to you too! I am moving my herb garden this spring.... to sunnier digs. Enjoy the wonderful spring weather!

  4. Oh, dear TO! You really had to have patience this winter! I hope you have some survivors besides thyme. I have found more herbs that didn't survive! Yes, I'm holding my breath! xo

    It has been a long, long winter, Peggy! Happy Easter to you and Norm! xo

    Hello Barbara, I need to come over to your blog and visit. I am so far behind! Happy Easter to you! xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady