
Monday, June 2, 2014

Bank Holiday, Selfridge's and Afternoon Tea at Claridge's, London, England!

This is the Day to Drive in London-A Bank Holiday!
Went to Selfridge's Department Store
An Iconic Name in English Department Stores!
Beautiful Art Deco Adornments on the Outside!
Gloria with the Hydrangeas at Claridge's!
Loved the Doorman at Claridge's!
The Claridge's Lobby!
Hydrangeas This Time Roses Last Time!
Table Set with Claridge's Special China!
Favorite Part of Tea Are the Sandwiches!
I Had a Rare Earl Grey Tea!
Tea Pots Ready for Refills!
My Dessert Tray Without Chocolate!
Our Claridge's Staff Member Who Took Care of Us!
Scones and Desserts!
Gloria and I Enjoying Our Tea!
Susanna Joined Us for Tea!
I can't believe that it has been four weeks ago since I was in London!  Monday was a bank holiday and so we enjoyed the much slower and quieter day, less traffic and not as many people.  We went shopping and ended up before our afternoon tea at Selfridge's.  The Herbal Husband has been hooked on the series and I was able to get him one of his favorite toy magazines there with a Selfridge's shopping bag as well.  To me not seeing the series, the outside is what is beautiful with its Art Deco decor, but inside for me it's like any other department store.  They had a Hello Beautiful sign that blocked the old clock and statue.  So I'll have to go back and get some photos of it next time.

Then we went for an Afternoon Tea at Claridge's.  Last time we were there there were roses.  This time it was hydrangea time!  Here is a link to that post in 2010 called Having Afternoon Tea at Claridge's, London, England!   We weren't in the main foyer this time we were off the main foyer in very comfy chairs.  There were lots of people celebrating special events.  The one table that I loved watching while we were having tea was a table with a young Japanese toddler and his parents and grandparents.  We all were seated around the same time 5 o'clock and he was still going strong two hours later and even got a chef's hat for being so well behaved!  Very cute.

So here is a link to the Claridge's Afternoon Tea Menu!  I love their sandwiches.  We got another tray because they are so enjoyable!  As you can see from the photos above, I got a slightly different dessert tray because I can't have chocolate.  The substitute for me was tapioca pudding with fresh fruit.  I guess not quite chocolate, but still delicious!  We also had a vanilla mille-feuille, a raspberry and peanut butter macaron and an apricot and caraway cake.  Delicious!  I had a Rare Earl Grey tea, Gloria had one of my favorites, lemon verbena and Susanna had mint.  All in all it was a delightful afternoon with Gloria and Susanna!  I would just like to add that if you are traveling to London and you do want to go to a special afternoon tea, you must reserve it in advance.  I think Gloria called in February for early May.

Been working hard in the garden.  We had a beautiful weekend and now the rain is coming in from the west.  We were going to plant some other plants we bought over the weekend, but it is too wet.  And of course, The Herbal Husband watered yesterday!  It always happens!  When we haven't had rain, he waters and that brings the rain!  Wish I could make that happen for the gardens that really need it!  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. I am a Selfridge's fan too. I loved seeing all of your photos of your trip. The tea looks fabulous. One day I too hope to make it to England but for now I will travel through your blog posts!

  2. Thanks CJ! Hope you get there some day too! xo

  3. Your afternoon tea looks lovely. I haven't had tea at Claridge's, I need to go! Good idea getting another plate of sandwiches, I actually prefer them to the cakes.

  4. Hi Tracey, I think you would love it. Very Art Deco and stylish! I do love my sandwiches and Claridge's has one of the best sandwich trays. xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady