
Thursday, August 28, 2014

It Was a Perfect Day!

A 'Queen Elizabeth' Rose Adorned the Dining Table!
A Fruit Salad with Lemon Verbena!
The Herbal Husband Shared His Favorite Waffles!
My gift, A Souvenir Spoon!
The Birthday Cards I Received!
Time in the Garden to Pick Raspberries and Bugs!
Picked Enough For Another Batch of Raspberry Jam!
K-P Duty for Lunch!
The Herbal Husband Prepared a Wonderful Causa!
Spiedino di Mare
Dessert Rosa for Me!
We Enjoyed Our Dinner and Especially Dessert!

Well, I hope you can see what a great birthday I had!  The Herbal Husband took care of making breakfast and lunch.  Well I did help with lunch boiling the potatoes and eggs!  Here is a link for the causa recipe.  I got to work in the garden.  We had a little drive to Ohio and had a lovely dinner.  Now back to reality and not eating so much and moving more tomorrow!  Thanks to everyone that wished me a Happy Birthday on Facebook and here.  It was a beautiful day here.  Back to summer heat tomorrow and over the weekend.  If you are in the U.S., have a great Labor Day weekend.  Talk to you later.  


  1. What a great day you had! A wonderful all day birthday celebration!

    I love the photo of the two of you.

    Have a wonderful weekend ~ FlowerLady

  2. What a wonderfully special day you had! Thanks for sharing the pictures and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  3. We did have a great day ladies! Thanks for stopping by. xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady