
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Herbal Harvesting and Preserving Again!

Having Been Getting A Great Raspberry Crop Despite the Stink Bugs!
Well, when we get to late August, you are still not too late to be taking care of herbal chores in the garden!  We always seem to wait until the last minute to harvest, move plants inside, etc.  Don't worry you aren't too late!  Hope you weren't thinking that!  Erase those thoughts from your head.  I decided not to reinvent the wheel and give you some links to past posts I have done.

Vinegars are a very quick and delicious way to preserve your herbal harvest.  This first link is my favorite recipe for nasturtium peppercorn vinegar from Kathleen Gips' book called The Complete Vinegar Book.  If you have a lot of nasturtium flowers, this recipe is a good way to use them up!  Any of the small leaf basils, such as 'Minette', 'Boxwood' or 'Spicy Globe' can be put in vinegar as well.  I just had a beautiful salad burnet plant this year and I think I will be making a vinegar recipe from Alma Otto in Phyllis Shaudys' book, Herbal Treasures using salad burnet, chives and garlic.
The Cucumber Flavor of the Salad Burnet Minus the Extra Protein is Great in Vinegar!
I really don't have extra time to do a lot of fancy preserving techniques.  Well, you are going to say and I can hear it now but you can and make jelly and jam, Lemon Verbena Lady!  Yes, I know but everything else I do has to be very easy.  Here is a post I did in the early days of this blog called Herbal Crunch Time!

So I hope these links gives you some information you may have forgotten or may be new to you.  At the very least I hope you are enjoying your herb gardens.  We have had a wonderful season here in the 'Burgh!  A beautiful day is forecast for my birthday tomorrow.  Will post my favorite lunch The Herbal Husband makes me every birthday and we are going to Carrabba's Italian Grill in Ohio tomorrow night.  Hope you are having a great day and evening in your herb garden.  Talk to you later.


  1. Well in case I have a brain fart and forget you birthday tomorrow ....."HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to a very special Lady . May it be magical in every way. We finally got some rain today so I'll be harvesting more herbs tomorrow before I start on the never ending chore of apple processing ♥

  2. Thanks dear Carol! We got a tiny bit of rain, but we have more than enough this summer! We just made an apple pie today with our apples! Delish! xo

  3. I have made herbal vinegars before. I need to visit your links to get inspired to make some again.

    It's hard to believe that Sept. is almost here.

    Happy Birthday. My brother-in-law and sis-in-law took me to Carrabba's Italian Grill for my birthday earlier this year. One of the young men working there even sang happy birthday to me. The food was delicious, the company great.

    Have a lovely weekend ~ FlowerLady

  4. I hope you will be inspired, FL! I know this season has flown by! Thanks for the birthday wishes! Every day is a blessing! Have a great weekend too! xo

  5. Thanks for sharing the links. I also wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a great day tomorrow!

  6. Hi Susanne, Thanks for the birthday wishes! Hope the links will be of help to you! xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady