
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Almost 100 Pounds of Sugar Later!

Enough Left to Fill My Sugar Canister!
Last Certo Ready to Go!
Pineapple Sage Made My Kitchen Smell Heavenly!
Oh, Yes and One More Batch of Raspberry Jam Tomorrow
Well, some years it takes this long in the season to get to the end of my jam and jelly making.  It has been a long season, but I really have enjoyed it.  I'm doing this post because I had a new reader ask me some questions about my pineapple sage jelly recipe.  I'm glad I could answer her today because she might have ruined her attempt tomorrow.  You see she thought she should make all three batches of jelly at one time.  Because I used reconstituted pineapple juice and said it made three batches, she was thinking that all three batches needed to be done at once.  One batch at a time, four (sometimes more or less) jars at a time.

I always knew that you couldn't double or triple a jelly recipe particularly because it might end up in a runny mess.  Glad you wrote to me Susan.  I hope everything goes according to plan tomorrow. Hope you have had a great day.  I was freezing picking berries today.  Really going to be going around the garden fast and furiously, herbally speaking this week.  I have added some garden videos on my YouTube Channel so please check them out.  Talk to you later.


  1. Dear, dear LVB ~ You are such a busy lady and I can only imagine what your home and kitchen must smell like with all of this jelly/jam making going on.

    I enjoyed your you-tube tour of your garden. All of those scents must be heavenly. I would love to smell that coconut scented geranium. Wow!

    You are such an inspiration to me.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  2. Dear FL, It has been a busy time and we are in the home stretch before we come in for winter and you just get started. Hopefully in the coming days, I'll do a post on herbal vinegars for you! Thanks for subscribing to my YouTube channel. You are the best! xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady