
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Simple Herb Harvest--Chives!

Start with a Basket of Chives
Makes About Two Containers for the Freezer
I Just Mark What Herb It Is and the Date In Case I Lose My Mind!
Well, now that I'm out of the jam/jelly fog, I have to get down to the serious business of cutting herbs before the cold weather hits.  Yesterday I started the process by cutting one of my favorites, chives.  Really I have a lot of chives, but I have found only a couple of containers with cut up chives are needed for winter use.  I love them in my eggs and in sour cream for baked potatoes and as an onion substitute in soups and stews.  Going to do an herbal vinegar 101 post soon because that is another quick way to preserve your herbal harvest.

A reader of Carolee Snyder's herbal book series (because my pineapple sage jelly recipe is in her latest herbal book), Susan contacted me with questions about my pineapple sage jelly recipe.  She made the jelly and got through the day yesterday with some coaching from me.  I was like a proud herbal jelly parent!  She is moving on to lavender jelly so maybe she will share the recipe with me if it turns out.  I'll let you know.

I have so many posts I could do and I have sort of lost my way and need to get back on track.   Besides the herbal vinegar post, I'm going to try to finish up my English trip that was in May!  I also want to do some Christmas related posts to give you some ideas for herbal holiday gifts.  So those are the things I'm thinking about at the moment.  I'll post again soon.  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. Thinking of you and sending love.

    Chives, ah yes. Soon as I am able I'll cut some for freezing.

    I love browsing through your posts and photos.

    Love to you and your herbal husband J.


  2. Thanks, Sharon! Hope you are healing fast! Thinking of you and Phone Man! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady