
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Last Minute Blooms in the Herb Garden!

Borage is Still a Strong Bloomer in the Garden
An Orange Calendula Still Blooms On
So Do the Calendulas with Yellow or Brown Centers
The 'Vanilla' Marigolds Have Done Well Only in This Spot
A Bee Still Finding the 'Fairy' Rose Flowers
The Holly Ready for the Holidays
A Baby Sunflower
The 'Double White' Feverfew Reblooming
And The Glorious Pineapple Sage!  One of the Best Seasons Yet!
I think I want to say with this post if you pick the right herbal flowers, you will have bees and beneficial insects all season long.  It is 76 degrees as I sit here posting!  Still picking raspberries and mowed the grass for the last time today.  Have been busy cutting and preserving the harvest.  Getting tender herbs into containers.  Am working on an herbal vinegar post for you.  Hopefully will get it posted in the next couple of days.  The Mid-Atlantic states are really going to be cool this weekend (maybe even snow flurries!) and we will probably have our first killing frost here in the 'Burgh.  Some of our friends and neighbors have already had a frost.  We have been lucky.  So some of the flowers you see above will be gone by next week.  I'm going to make this short so I can go back to work on the herbal vinegar post.  Hope you have had a great day!  It was stellar here albeit windy!  Talk to you later!


  1. Nancy, The last of the flowers are hanging in there for you. We are hoping to get some rain this coming Saturday and we sure need it. I guess with Thanksgiving just around the corner you all will be having snow soon. Having this nice warm day you are able to get the herbs preserved before those cold days come. I will be looking forward to your post on herbal vinegar.

  2. Hi Carla, Yes, they are. We have had beautiful weather, but the end is near. I think we are going to have flurries over the weekend! Yikes! Been busy bringing herbs inside in containers and cutting some to dry. Hope to get that herbal vinegar post done tonight for posting in the next day or two! xo

  3. lovely to see your garden blooms. As we travel south I'm enjoying the colors. Once I get to Florida I want to get my herbs going again...potted ones for me

  4. Thanks Linda for stopping by. Have a safe trip to FL! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady