
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Almost At the End of Canning Tomato Sauce!

One of the Last Canners Full of Tomato Sauce!
Yes, I know I have GERD and I really shouldn't be eating tomato sauce! But I canned a lot of tomatoes back in the days when we grew a lot of tomatoes.  I still have to do something with those canned tomatoes.  Yes, they do survive years of being canned.  The Herbal Husband loves my sauce and so do I.  I just can't eat a lot of it any more.  So I spent last Saturday making tomato sauce and canning it.  I have one more recipe to make later on and then I will be done with quart canning.  I'm passing along my empties to my master gardening buddy who teaches canning and she will pass them on.  A rite of passage.  Let the young ones learn what our grandmothers and mothers did in the early days.  Although I learned to can on my own.

Need to put together your box for my Christmas giveaway.  Stay tuned!  It's that time of year!  Hope you are having a great day. Talk to you later.

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Lemon Verbena Lady