
Monday, March 9, 2015

What A Difference A Day Makes or a Couple, Herbally Speaking!

Starting to See the Herb Garden!
Lemon Verbena Got a Bit of Sun!
Seeing A Bit of Green in the Variegated Mint Container
The Ever Present Chives
This Lemon Thyme Did OK!

The Germander Always Does Well Even With a Bit of Brown!
And The Other Evergreen Herb in My Garden, Salad Burnet!
Well, has my mood picked up.  I'm able to get out and start to see the herb garden up close.  Not everything is uncovered and so there are some big ifs, but I think the herb garden did well.  I do have a lot of green showing and from across the garden I could see a German chamomile peeking out.  I have had luck the last couple of years with German chamomile seeding itself.  The second year plants are usually monsters, herbally speaking and the tea is great for my GERD.  Just wanted to mention that the lemon verbena did keep most of its leaves throughout the winter.  It did occasionally drop leaves.  It is putting out new shoots at the moment a good sign.  The mints have all survived in their containers indoors.  Some look better than others.  Will maybe show you those in my next post.  The positive energy is flowing again!  I can finally see that spring is just around the corner.

So I hope if you have been buried in the cold weather,  your weather has taken a turn for the better and you can get outside and enjoy!  Talk to you soon!


  1. Hurray for you! Glad you are seeing green and less white covering everything.

    Our weather was very warm and humid today.

    Have a wonderful week ~ FlowerLady

  2. Thanks FL! Can't come soon enough! Have a wonderful week yourself! xo

  3. I can sense your excitement! With boots on I trompted out to the potting shed this week - the snow is going here too. Checked my new herbal raised bed and it looks like some of my lavenders are quite healthy with other spots of greens by the thymes , etc. in our neck of the woods, anything green now is a good sign!

    Cedar waxwings, chickadees and swallows are making their presence known. Have not heard my redwing blackbirds yet - always the official beginning of winter breakup.

  4. Oh, I just can't wait, TO! Sounds like you had herbal successes as well! We have been seeing our birds coming back as well. Grackles are the first birds to come back for the spring and summer. Wish we had cedar waxwings. I grew up with those in our crabapple tree. Our chickadees are with us all winter. So I guess it is a bonus. Thanks for stopping by as always! xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady