
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Blogging with Photos from Smartphone!

A Very Soggy Herb Garden!
Prolific Chamomile!
First of the Daylilies Blooming!
This is One of the Containers from the Class I Did in May!
Well, this will be a lot of trial and mostly error!  I got a smartphone last week and have been practicing to take photos.  I just downloaded them now and I got error messages.  So you are seeing some but not some of my better photos!  Ugh!  OK, this is an update.  I think I figured out how to get all of the photos downloaded.  So I will be sharing more in the coming days.  And the rain just continues downward.  We have been getting an inch a day some days.  Yesterday was our first sunny dry day in weeks and we are just going to be rainy and cool for at least two weeks more!

I have been literally running out between rain showers and cutting what I can and drying what I can before it turns moldy.  I decided on jelly flavors today and cut my first round of summer savory to make jelly.  I have two choices and maybe I will make some with one flavor and make more later with another flavor if it keeps growing and does not rot!  Savory not a good herb of the year when it is so wet.  I have an abundance of tarragon.  So I will make tarragon jelly this year as well.  The herbs in containers are doing very well.  BTW, we got a new awning and if I can download a photo of it, I'll share it with my next post.

I have just try to keep ahead of the weeds and harvesting when necessary.  Hope you aren't too wet.  Talk to you later.


  1. Your smart phone photos are wonderful !

    I wish we were enjoying a soggy day or two or three . But my herbs are loving the hot sunshine and I am enjoying the shade while savoring the scents of happy herbs.

  2. Your herb garden doesn't look soggy at all to me, it looks lush and lovely. :-)

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  3. Hi KathyB., Would really send you some of our rain if I could! We are very close to a rain high for June. Don't want to set another record! Enjoy your herb garden. xo

    Hi FL, Thanks honey! It is very lush and lovely! You have a great weekend as well. xo

  4. Your garden looks good with all of this rain! We got 4 inches on one day last week and it rained every other day too :( My peppers are turning yellow and I had to dig garlic in the mud. They were past ready and they are predicting rain for the next 7 days. Hopefully they will keep well. The few that I know for sure are over ready will be the seeds for this fall... on the bright side they are the biggest bulbs I've ever had.

  5. We have had a nice amount of rain in June but the nights are so cool. Lovely sleeping - but my basil seeds planted on May 23 are about 1" high - very weird. Everything else is doing well.

  6. It is a monster this year, Carol. But I have lost some plants to rot because of all of the rain! We are just at the scape cutting point of our garlic, but if we get more rain, they will rot in the ground. xo

    Hi Pat, We are having a Seattle kind of summer. We haven't had many days in 80's yet. Mostly 70's. Not good for tomatoes and some of my basils are rotting in the ground! Strange but wild year! I have to comment on your charm bracelet post and send you a photo of mine! xo

  7. Many years ago I was involved with setting up a fragrance garden for the residents of a home for sight deprived men and women. My Lions Club was the sponsor and I got co-opted onto the organising committee. Our first task was to decide what plants to incorporate as a precursor to planning the layout and various candidates were propounded; prominent amongst these were the classical scented plants such as lavender, jasmine, roses and several others.


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady