
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

It is a Blessing and Honor to be a Blogger!

I have made some very dear friends over the years through blogging.  Some that I have never met.  I still feel close to each of you in different ways.  You will understand my title once I tell you this story.  Several years ago another blogger, Pat Taylor, who writes Thoughts From Taylorsoutback wrote a comment to me about this blog.  We connected through our love of herbs.  We have written back and forth ever since.  Recently she and her husband, John have been dealing with her elderly parents.  I have tried to be there for her when I could because I really lived the life they are leading now.

Among all of the adventures in her life, she owned a quilt shop and she has made me some lovely and cherished pieces over the years.  So the other day she announced to me that a package was on the way.  It arrived today and when I opened it a whole bunch of emotions ran through me.  Here is what the package contained.  It is a very special wall hanging.  I'm sorry the photos don't do it justice.

Garden ABC's
She Did the Embroidery As Well!
The Back is Almost As Wonderful as the Front!
  The Herbal Husband said there is a signature on the back.  It says:

Garden ABC's
Embroidered, Pieced and Quilted by
Patricia Lloyd Taylor

You see the Taylors have begun to downsize as we all must do and she thought that I would enjoy this treasure.  You can be sure that I will dear Pat!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!  It will bring joy to both The Herbal Husband and me!  It is a blessing and Honor to be a Blogger!

We had some more rain and it has been warm and muggy.  It may be a strange year for the herb garden.  Trying to keep up with weeds, trimming and harvesting.  I will get around to an herbal post soon.  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later! 


  1. A very thoughtful gift that's a perfect fit :)

  2. You will treasure that piece forever. What a kind way to downsize!

  3. What a lovely gift, just perfect for you.


  4. Thanks ladies! I cherish your support and comments always! xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady