
Monday, June 15, 2015

Trying Blogger from My Tablet!

Really An Herbal Jungle!  Very Wet and Wild!
I can't believe that I am blogging from my tablet and not my laptop.  I never thought this would happen.  We are in the midst of serious storms at the moment.  So I don't want to write a whole lot in case we lose power.  We were working outside to get some tasks done like trimming spent blossoms of dianthus, sage and salad burnet.  Cut some more chamomile blossoms.  Going to have a banner year with those.  I didn't take any photos with my tablet.  So I will add a photo or two when I can.  Have some exciting news that I will share with you soon.  So hope you had a drier day than we did.  Talk to you later.

Even the Slug Wanted Out of the Garden!


  1. Are you using Blogsy? Something else? Would like to hear your thoughts...I have been using Blogsy since I got my iPad. Wish there were a few more features especially with photo options and font options but it is adequate for now. Rain, rain, rain here - everything is very green and lush but could use some dry sunny days - weeds have put on quite a show. We worry for our kids in Alaska though - 90 degrees yesterday and tinder box conditions. Wildfires 30 minutes from their home. Weather has sure flipped.
    Should I be trimming the burnet buds off? Took care of the chive flowers 2 days ago in between storms. Package mailed off to you yesterday:-)

  2. I literally uploaded the Blogger app to my tablet and I was blogging. I didn't have any photos of the garden on my tablet because it is a large tablet and not easy to take photos. I will let you know if I keep using it. Sorry about the kids. Wish we could send them some of our rain and cooler temps! You should trim off the salad burnet blossoms if they have lost their red/pink tinge. Looking forward to my package. Thanks for stopping by as always TO! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady