
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Went to Dilltown for the Picky-A-Dilly Herb Faire!

A Lovely Herbal Tribute Garden to Cynthia Gilmore, Founder of the Dillweed B & B
Susanna Reppert-Brill and David Brill Were on "Vacation" with The Rosemary House Booth
Matteo's Herbs Had Wonderful Combinations of Herbs in Containers
Cindy Rogers Did a Talk About Savory--2015 Herb of the Year
Lamb's Ear Farm Was Selling Beautiful Perennials
Well, it's about time we got over to Dilltown for the Pick-A-Dilly Herb Faire co-sponsored by the Herb Study Group of Indiana County and the Dillweed Bed & Breakfast that has been going on for 17 years!  Bonnie and I made it late to the faire, herbally speaking!  I guess better late than never!  It was a very cloudy humid day but fortunately not 90 plus degrees as yesterday was.

You could miss Dilltown if you weren't paying attention, but not today.  All herbal eyes were there today and there was a good crowd there to buy jewelry, crafts, herbal products, antiques and particularly plants and of course, food, including pesto pizza which is a signature dish of the Dillweed.  There were a number of great vendors with exceptional plants for sale.  Bonnie and I are always available for breakfast, lunch or dinner and retail experiences of herb plants.

In the midst of the vendors was a lovely tribute garden to the founder of the Dillweed Bed & Breakfast who passed away last year from leukemia.  Her garden will live on in her memory.  We were happy to see Susanna Reppert Brill and David Brill, her husband manning The Rosemary House booth and enjoying their breakfast of pesto pizza!  They got a mini vacation staying at the Dillweed Bed & Breakfast and had thoroughly enjoyed it.  And I got my favorite, decaf Rosemary's Chai.  It is better than any chai I have found in England or the U.S.

I was really impressed with Matteo's Herbs and their selection of herbal combinations in containers something I just spoke about to a local garden club.  They are located in the town of Johnstown just down the hill from Dilltown.  If you are in that area, please check out their selection.  It looks good, herbally speaking.

So glad to learn a bit more about savory and I came away with a selection of booklets relating to some of the Herb of the Years as proclaimed by the International Herb Association complied by the Herb Study Group.  The Lamb's Ear Farm from Shelocta was one of several vendors with really great choices of plants.

The Herbal Husband was perturbed that I didn't bring anything home with me plantwise.  Sometimes I'm overwhelmed by the choices and I really did go crazy in Virginia for our trip to the Herb Society Meeting and bought a carload of riches as far as herbs go.  And if I had brought home a bunch of plants, he might have been wondering where they would be planted!  I can't win some times!  So that was my day.  BTW, Bonnie bought my favorite, lemon verbena and a veronica called 'Baby Bomb' so it was a great trip for her.  Just between you and me, Bonnie and I are thinking about going to the Mulberry Creek Herb Farm's annual festival and it is a medieval one this year, June 27 and 28, 2015 with the lovely Kathleen Gips reprising her herbal role of Lady Katherine of Lovain.  Not to be missed.

We are still humid and warm almost as hot as we were yesterday.  So I would say the ickies and stickies are here for a while.  Hope you had a great day.  I'll talk to you later.     


  1. This looks like so much fun ! My husband & I try to visit herb farms when we travel , but your area seems to have some pretty interesting ones.

  2. What a GREAT time you had! There's nothing like that down here in south FL.

    I look forward to reading about the next herbal event you will be going to in July.

    Have a nice Sunday and a great week. It is very hot and humid down here too.



Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady