
Monday, June 8, 2015

Herb Society Meeting at Williamsburg, May, 2015, Part Four!

Shells Would be Typical for Paths in Colonial Times
Herbs Were Planted Closest to the Kitchen

A Row of Peonies for Decoration
Vegetables and Greens

More of the Greens
Cardoons or Artichokes
The Dynamic Kirk Brown
Christiana Campbell's Tavern Sign
The Front Door and Porch of Christiana Campbell's Tavern
A Toast to Williamsburg and the Herb Society of America!
One Last Stop on the Way Home to Plant Herbs at DeBaggio's Herb Farm!
2016 Herb of the Year Capsicum
Well, I must confess that while the merry band of herb lovers was happy with my garden tour in Williamsburg I made a big mistake.  So when we paid attention to Don Haynie and his dedicated volunteers from the Tidewater Unit who presented the different herb gardens in the historic area, it clicked with both Bonnie and I at the same time.  We rushed over after the presentations were done to take photos of the garden we had missed.  The kitchen garden at the Governor's Palace was RIGHT BEHIND the kitchen!  So here you go ladies.  It was terraced on a hillside starting with the most important plants, the herbs.  I loved the pathways which were of shells very typical for that time period. 

Saturday brought more great speakers including Kirk Brown, Dr. Doug Tallamy, Debra Knapke and one of our favorites, Holly Shimizu.  She and her husband have designed and planted a new historic garden in Lewes, Delaware.  It was very interesting as was all of the speakers.  Sometimes I get fidgety after a day of speakers but this went by quickly and it ended with us receiving a plant to take home to analyze as a 2016 Herb of the Year.  I got the 'Fish' pepper because next year capsicum is the herb of the year.

What an interesting plant this is besides being variegated, it is an African American heirloom which is a mutation of a Serrano pepper.  Click the link above to find out more about the 'Fish' pepper from one of my favorite herbalists, Susan Belsinger.  I will be giving our thoughts to the Herb Society as we go along.  We just transplanted it to a container and it should be just perfect for container gardening.

We ended our trip to Williamsburg and the HSA conference with dinner at one of my favorite taverns, Christiana Campbell's Tavern.  We pigged out and as you can see by our attire we enjoyed ourselves.  On the way home we made one more important stop at DeBaggio's Herb Farm in Chantilly, Virginia.  If you are going to be in the Chantilly area before July 1, please stop by.  You won't be disappointed.  They will be closed for the season on July 2.  Well, I hope you know from my posts that we had a wonderful time and learned a lot and had some great retail experiences, herbally speaking.

I just wanted to conclude by saying I loved being back in Williamsburg.  I thought it might be a busier time of year, but it wasn't.  It was not too hot and humid.  Good work Herb Society for picking this time in Williamsburg.  I would go back at this time again another year. I have one more post about Williamsburg but it can wait for another day.  Talk to you later.   


  1. Wonderful 4 part post!!! Herbs, gardens, friends and crabcakes - what a great blend of perfection. I do miss that part of Virginia having lived in Hampton and being so close to Williamsburg. Loved Christina Campbell's they still have musicians playing while you dine?
    Thank you for taking us along- you surely had a grand time.

  2. Wow! What an exciting trip! Thank you for being such a wonderful reporter. I enjoy 'visiting' places through your journey(s)--places that I probably will not have the opportunity to go. The pictures of such awesome gardens are an inspiration! bjo

  3. Thanks TO for stopping by as always! Yes, I hadn't been to Williamsburg in a while and I really missed it. They did have a lady playing the fiddle. I did get my fill of crabcakes! It was great. xo

    Thank bjo for your kind words. Glad you can travel through my eyes. Going to be blogging about the garden and the herb of the year in the next several blogs. Please stay tuned. xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady