
Thursday, December 31, 2015

An Herbal Break!

My Project for the Winter!
Well, since I blogged each day of December, I have decided to take a break for a time.  I'm not sure if it will be all of January or possibly longer.  You see I was in my cross-stitch stash (patterns and fabrics) the other night and I have some really great projects, but the project above is my greatest challenge.  And every time I mention doing another project, he reminds of this project!  Near and dear to his heart!  The Herbal Husband became a naturalized citizen in 1992 and a friend charted a sampler for him and I am the stitcher!  I haven't kept my end of the project up too well!  It is a project I just can't do 15 minutes at a time.  I need big chunks of time to work on it and get in a rhythm.

I may pop up periodically when I have something to say and maybe it will be about savory since I do have more to say on that topic.  So bear with me as I take an herbal break and work on cross-stitch and my presentation for March!  BTW, I will be around and please if you have any questions or comments about herbs, I will always be available to answer!  Hope you are having a great day!  Talk to you later!


  1. Thank you for all of your posts! I have been following your blog for years, but have only been commenting occasionally. I appreciate all the work you have put into it, and I continue to browse the archives when I have a chance. There is so much useful information!
    I wish you a well-deserved break, and hope your project comes together with ease. Have a wonderful New Year's Eve, and a productive 2016!! As for me, I shall curl up with my seed catalogs and a cup of herbal tea!! God Bless!
    Bev xoxo

  2. Thanks dear Bev! Enjoy those seed catalogs and herbal tea! A happy and healthy 2016 to you and your family! xo

  3. Oh my gosh, that stitchery is some undertaking. I still have a counted cross-stitch unfinished and it may just stay that way. :-)

    I almost feel like taking time off too from the computer. There are things I really need to do and I've been spending way too much time on the computer the past three years.

    May you and HH have a wonderful 2016 ~ FlowerLady

  4. January seems to call for curling up at home with in depth projects one can linger over - enjoy your time - its like recharging the batteries. I know the feeling. We should have a UFO (unfinished objects) hot line to each other - my long ago quilt of 1995 needs to be wrapped up - just needs a bit more hand quilting and the binding. Time to get things done!!! Besides, it will be Spring before we know it:-)

  5. Happy New Year to you dear FL! Yes I just have to try and power through it if I can so I can get to the easier stuff! xo

    Let me be your inspiration TO! I'll send a photo each week. I think the photo in the post is my starting point, I need to pull it out and look! Happy New Year to you and Mr. Outback!xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady