
Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015, An Herbal Year in Review!

January-Very Cold and Snowy!
February--'Mabel Grey' Enjoying the Windowsill!
March--Just As Snowy and Cold!
April--Signs of Spring and Coltsfoot Blooming!
May--Finally Plant Shopping, Herbally Speaking!
June--My Favorite Rose in the Garden--'Apothecary's Rose'!
July--A White Sphinx Moth and Bee Balm!
August--My First Selfie in the Herb Garden!
September--Still Picking Raspberries and Making Jam!
October--My Favorite Knot Garden Disappearing at the Garden Museum, London, England!
November--The Herbal Husband and I Celebrate 28 Years Married!
December--Almost Looks Like March in the Herb Garden!
Well, we have come to another end in the herb garden.  Even though it is finally cold in December, the herb garden has just kept going and going this year!  And I thought it was going to be a dud!  So many great photos I could have used, but you will remember your favorites perhaps with a memory jog from me!  It was nice to look back and see what was accomplished and what is yet to happen.  Had a strange year weatherwise and lost a few herbs more than usual including a lemon verbena!  That should never have happened!

Hopefully in 2016 I will come up with a different plan of attack or maybe go back to the lemon/lime garden theme.  That was a particularly great season.  So your herb garden should be tucked in if you live in the northern half of the U.S.  I am not sure what to expect going forward in the weather department!  We need to have snow and cold or I'm afraid I will lose more plants in the coming year, but on the positive side more new herbs to try!  Had fun blogging these days of December.  Hope you enjoyed it!   Even though the 2016 Herb of the Year is Capsicum, I have a boat load of posts with savory as the topic to still write.  Just want to give a shout out to my adorable and very garden worthy husband, The Herbal Husband.  Without him the garden is not too spicy or wild and crazy!  Thank you Sweetie!  And thank you to my loyal readers for reading my blog.  I will see you next year!  Happy New Year everyone!

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Lemon Verbena Lady