
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Lost Ladybug Project!

Harmonia axyridis on Green Pepper Basil
So I have mentioned a while back that I am a contributor to the Lost Ladybug Project which is a ongoing research project of Cornell University, an extension university and one of the best IMO.  They are trying to discover why the native ladybugs that were once common are now so rare.  It all started for me when I wanted to get rid of (move) a patch of tansy in the herb garden and the tansy was attracting all stages of ladybugs.  I wrote about it for Mother Earth Living and my post was called Tansy, Russian Sage and and Ladybugs, Oh My!  Here is a link to my contributor page on the Lost Ladybug Project website.  So if you find a ladybug or a bunch of them, take photos and upload them to the site for identification.  We need to help map where the ladybugs are and help keep the populations up of the natives ones!

The weather has started to turn to winter and we are very gray here.  Sixth straight day without sun, but that is how it is in the 'Burgh!  Can't believe we have come down to the last day of the year!  One more post in the month!  Bet you know what it is going to be!  Hope you are having a wonderful day wherever you may be.  I'll talk to you tomorrow!


  1. I am a retired science teacher and loved your ladybug info. I had no idea there was a problem. Thank you for showing this to me and others. Linda

  2. Thank you for your info on the ladybug project. As a retired science teacher it is very interesting.

  3. I am always thrilled to see a lady bug, although they are pretty scarce these days. I enjoyed your article for Mother Earth news.

    Happy 2016 ~ FlowerLady

  4. You are very welcome, Linda! Happy New Year to you and your family! xo

    Thanks dear FL! Happy and healthy 2016 to you! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady