
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Cinnamon Basil Jelly and Raspberries!

Almost forgot to post today.  It started with a batch of cinnamon basil jelly this morning.  I picked more raspberries this afternoon, but finally not enough for a batch of jam.  I think we have come to the pause between old cane production and new canes starting to produce.  Will be on the lookout for stink bugs.  They love the raspberry fruit.  The Herbal Husband watered the back gardens including the raspberries.  They need water to produce good quality berries.  Hot and humid tomorrow.  Stay cool wherever you may be!  Hope you had a great day.  I will post a photo for this post tomorrow.  Talk to you then.

Just Enough Cinnamon Basil for a Batch!

1 comment:

  1. We got a break in the heat today...unexpected showers and cloud cover dropped it down to the upper 70's It was lovely :) However the clouds are leaving now so the heat will return and tomorrow is supposed to be 100 :(


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Lemon Verbena Lady