
Friday, July 22, 2016

An Inch of Rain and New Additions to the Containers, Herbally Speaking!

We started out this morning with an inch of rain and that is a very good thing.  And as the total in the rain gauge was read, a Japanese beetle had met its fate in the gauge.  Another good thing.  We also got the ickies and stickies back.  Ugh!  So much to do and I am not an early riser!  Oh, the weeds will just get bigger, but maybe easier to pull with the rain.  A silver lining, herbally speaking.
And we gained a couple of more containers.  We are still trying to get a few herbs in the ground and have run out of room!  Out come more containers!  So The Herbal Husband planted the 'Grosso' lavender in one container (I think too small!) and 'Grosso' is not always hardy for me in the herb garden.  Also a ginger scented geranium, which is one of my new favorite plants.  Scented geraniums are perfect plants for containers.  So it was a bit hectic today.  Errands day sometimes is.  Hopefully you have had a great day and you have stayed cool!  More tomorrow.  Will talk to you then.
'Grosso' Lavender and a Ginger Scented Geranium

1 comment:

  1. You're always so busy in the garden :) Which is a good thing to me. Someone gave me some seeds for the 'Grosso' lavender this past winter and I have about 5 little posts of them started. I will be moving them to bigger pots pretty soon. Hoping they will go in a new flowerbed I'm going to create this fall.


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Lemon Verbena Lady