
Saturday, July 23, 2016

Trying to Stay Cool in the Heat!

It is just too darn hot.  Many of you have this heat all summer long.  We couldn't take it frankly.  This morning I did get out just long enough to pick more raspberries for more jam.  And after that I have been inside ever since doing some cross stitch!  Just too hot!  The rain helped the hostas out in the front garden look good.  Doesn't look like the weather is going to change in the immediate future!  Stay cool!  Talk to you tomorrow!
The Hostas Are Beautiful with All of the Rain!

1 comment:

  1. Your hostas look fantastic. I've had to replant all new hostas in the shade garden as the last 3 years has been too hard on them. Between the drought and heat 2 years in a row and then a horribly hard winter and the deer being very hungry not a one survived. Hopefully by next year it will all look good again! The heat is getting to me too :'(


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Lemon Verbena Lady