
Friday, December 30, 2016

2016, A Cross-Stitch Year in Review!

January--2016 Finish His Citizenship Sampler!
February--Had to Stitch a Valentine for The Herbal Husband!
February--A Day Short of His Anniversary It was Done!
March--Really Love Doing Smalls--A Needle Case Kit Finished from My Herbal Sister, Debs!
July--Another Intense Small with Fabric from StitchyBox!
August--An Anniversary Gift to My Bestie, Marilyn!

August--A Favorite Birthday Gift from The Herbal Husband!
October--A Birthday Surprise for Bonnie, My Herbal Traveling Companion!
November--The Gardener--Another Small from Blackbird Designs for Me!
A Gift Made Long Ago for My Mother!

December--Fairy Garden--Another Small from Blackbird Designs for Me!

A Surprise in the Winter 2017 Trends & Traditions Magazine from Colonial Williamsburg!
My Letter and Cross-Stitch Design of the Historic Area was in the Letters to the Editor!
So I never thought I would have enough done in my passion for cross-stitch to do a year in review.  I had really taken a break from my cross-stitch.  In the winter when I could take the time to stitch, I would get cuts and pain in my hands.  I had more band-aids covering my fingers than needles filled with thread.  I had a list of cross-stitch projects to finish and start in order of priority.  The Herbal Husband's Citizenship Sampler was top of the list.  He had given up hope that I would finish it.  He wouldn't let me start any other project.  I would try to start something and he would say, you aren't going to finish my sampler, are you?  Well, the top photo is what I had completed January 2 and the next photo is the day before his 24th anniversary finished and on the wall.  It meant everything to have it done!  So the design was done by our friend, John but The Herbal Husband and I made radical changes to the design or I might still be stitching it today!  We both love it which is what is most important!

Of course, the rest of the year I did nothing that was on my original list and I did a couple of special gifts for my friends.  I also have discovered that smalls are fun and fast even when they are all on 32 count fabric.  My magnifying light to the rescue!  It has become my new favorite to stitch on.  Facebook has hooked me up with some fabulous new designers!  A blessing but it has added exponentially to my stash box!

The gift to my mother was designed in a cross-stitch pattern by The Herbal Husband and stitched by me as a surprise.  She thought it was a nightgown.  It was one of the best surprises ever!  I am hoping that The Herbal Husband will find some time this winter to pattern our house so I can stitch it.  The last couple of photos were a surprise for me.  In the Fall 2016 Trends & Traditions magazine from Colonial Williamsburg, they highlighted a stitcher who has a collection of 50 plus designs from Williamsburg.  So I wrote a letter and shared my favorite design with the editor.  Never heard another thing until I opened up the latest magazine and was surprised to find my letter and design in the Letters to the Editor.  They were listening!  So I am going to take time to stitch and take an inventory!

I will share with you tomorrow the herbal review of 2016 and moving forward into 2017!  We had a green Christmas this year, but there were no travel headaches.  We have snow on the ground again.  So the banner photo is not too far off!  Hope you had a fabulous holiday!  The end of the year is near!  Can't believe it!


  1. WOW, you were one busy cross-stitching lady. The one you made for HH is priceless. Your work is all lovely.

    Happy stitching and gardening in 2017 ~ FlowerLady

  2. Congratulations on accomplishing so much and being published in a magazine! Have another great year! Nancy

  3. Hi FL and Nancy, I had a great time stitching this year and while this blog is just an herbal one, I felt as though I needed to commemorate my year of stitching in this blog! Thanks for coming by and commenting! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady