
Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016, An Herbal Year in Review!

January--Very Cold and Snowy!
February--My Favorite Selfie of the Year!
March--Wildlife of All Kinds Are Welcomed!
April--One of My Favorites in the Spring-Forget Me Not!

May--One of the Highlights of My Trip to England-Sitting in Jekka's Garden at Chelsea!
June--Means Roses Blooming in the Garden!
August--A Volunteer Sunflower in the Herb Garden!
September--The Butterfly Bush is Blooming and Butterflies Abound!
September--Couldn't Pass Up Giving You This Sunflower in Bloom!
October--My Favorite, Lemon Verbena Was Huge in the Herb Garden and in Bloom!

November--Celebrated 29 Adventurous Years with The Herbal Husband!
December--Potpourri Wreaths Finished with Wired Ribbon!
December--Spice Wreaths Finished with Gold Ribbon!
Wow, looking back on the year 2016 wasn't as bad as I thought it might be!  I just needed to take a few more photos in the winter months!  I would say that our winter last year killed a lot of the pests that would have been problems during this growing season.  

Our spring was beautiful, but I think I need to plant more bulbs!  As it has happened in previous seasons, May was very hot, very early and I came back from England to a garden that was already passed bloom in a lot of cases.  I will be posting about my May travel to England in the coming months.

Summer here was very hot with some rain, but not enough because I lost some herbs, both from weather and rodent damage.  BTW, just for the record I made 112 jars of raspberry jam which are just about gone and another 80 plus jars of herbal jelly.  Just staring at that 19 pouches of Certo made me find new herbal flavors to try!

We had a beautiful fall as usual and I got a lot accomplished in my basement work space for Christmas giving, herbally speaking.  I found a whole box of dried material and depending on scent, I will be using it as filler for potpourri in the worst case and for scented potpourri in the best case.  So I am going to stitch in the next months, but I will try to work in some days where I will post what I am doing inside, tea blends, potpourris, reading about the 2017 Herb of the Year, Cilantro, the love or hate it herb!  You get the idea!  

I just want to take a moment to thank each of you who has hung in there with me and read each and every post that I have written over the past year.  Your sweet and questioning comments are what has kept me going.  Every time I think I have had enough, you keep encouraging me to go on.  So I wish you all a safe and peaceful new year and Lemon Verbena Lady will be posting in 2017!  Talk to you soon! 


  1. Love that selfie of you both! So glad you will continue to post, blogging world just wouldn't be the same without you and your love of and information about herbs, your travels, what you are growing, what you are cooking, canning, drying, etc.

    May you and HH have a fantastic 2017 ~ FlowerLady

  2. 2016 was a good year and part of that was sharing it with you ♥ We are looking forward to a even better year in 2017 and more herbs, flowers and veggies in the gardens :) Happy New Year my friend and looking forward to sharing the year with you again ♥

  3. I love learning more about growing and using herbs. Thanks. Nancy

  4. Thanks FL, Carol and Nancy for stopping by and for your support over the years! I really really appreciate it! xo

  5. Hi I'm Sandi and I just love your blog and photos. I am VERY new at this blog thing. I started a retirement business using our herb gardens. I make soap, skincare, aromatherapy etc All from what I grow. We are now a Farm in Connecticut and I sell at farmers markets.
    Now my children set up a blog page for me. and of course Facebook and Etsy.
    Thanks for the great info on herbs. I just love connecting with like minded people.


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady