
Friday, December 2, 2016

Catching Up on the Inside Garden, Herbally Speaking!

Hot and Sweet Peppers and What Else, Lemon Verbena!
Rosemarys and Texas Tarragon in the House!
Don't Think You Are Parking a Car in Here!
Well it is that time of year finally.  After our last 70 degree day two weeks ago, we have finally settled into our cold and gray period of weather here in the 'Burgh!  The herbal kids plus hangers on are in the garage, basement and living room.  I say this every year that we have to have less plants inside, but somehow that never works so well.  For example, I asked The Herbal Husband to harvest the Texas tarragon while I was away for my tea/afternoon overnight with Bonnie.  I came home to the whole plant in a container on the stationary tub!  Just wanted the stems!  He does love his plants even when they are in my herb garden!  We have a diverse group from mints to peppers and many tropicals indoors.  Of course the lemon verbena is inside.  The hot peppers are ripening.  A herbal giveaway!  A lot to talk about in December.  Hope you are having a great day.  I will talk to you tomorrow.


  1. I wonder if Texas tarragon would go in FL. I love tarragon.

    It's in the mid 80's down here, a.c. is on. :-)

    Have a lovely weekend ~ FlowerLady

  2. Wow! Love all your plants inside! I tried bringing rosemary in once but no luck! Nancy

  3. My hubby would have fit if I brought in that many plants ... he's not a plant person at all but he is getting more tolerant. It's only taken over 20 years to get him there. :)

  4. I think it might do the trick, FL. Here is a link from Bonnie Plants about it. And I will put this link in my post! Hope your weekend is great as well. xo

    Hi Nancy, Believe it or not we have four rosemarys indoors. It is by far the most we have ever had. Check back with me next spring because they are difficult especially once we get to March to keep alive. xo

    Well, I would probably have less plants inside. I would rather stitch these days and I really like a break from taking care of plants. You are lucky he is tolerant, Carol! xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady