
Saturday, December 3, 2016

My Two Favorite Gifts for Gardeners!

Can't Have Enough Pairs of Good Clippers!
My friend, Bonnie has given me some wonderful birthday presents over the years.  This year she outdid herself and found these Kuhn Rikon clippers that are perfect for me.  They are stainless steel, with washable blades and they don't make my hands tired after a lot of clipping.  They have bright handles so if you drop them, you can find them easily.  The Herbal Husband thought so much of them that he started to "borrow" them.  I just had to get him a pair of red ones to keep him from "borrowing" mine! 

Love the lemony smell of this cream!
And gift number two was this Gardener's Hand Repair Protective Conditioner by Earth Therapeutics.  They have a lot of other products and I will have to give this site a good look soon.  They even have a link to make sure your order is received by December 24th!  Also made in the U.S.A.  This particular hand repair has shea butter, oatmeal, alpha-hydroxy complex.  I have it on my bookshelf next to my chair in the den and I can just reach out and put some on any time of the day.  Of course, my favorite part is that it has a lemony scent!

Hoping you are having a great day wherever you may be.  The gray days have started here in the 'Burgh!  The weatherman said last night that we were one of the top five cities for gray days!  Can't celebrate that!  I have lived here all of my life except for a year in Boston and I can't imagine living anywhere else.  So I will talk to you tomorrow!


  1. Wow, one of the top 5 cities for gray days! Do you use one of those lights to help with light deprivation?

    It is partly sunny here and warm, a.c. is on.

    I've been beading today, something I really enjoy doing.

    Happy Christmas holidays ~ FlowerLady

  2. I just might have to give the clippers a try... I have so many pairs that I've bought over the years that I just don't like at all for long days of trimming. Thanks for the tip ♥


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Lemon Verbena Lady