
Sunday, December 4, 2016

Making a Comeback, Herbally Speaking!

Along the Front Side of the Garden Are Herbs!
Lemon Balm!
And Spearmint!

A Bit of Lemon Balm and Spearmint for Tea!
So we were out raking leaves from the neighbor's tree that fall on our side of the street.  We use them for ground cover and mulch throughout our garden.  I am always on the lookout for green this time of year since we have had a killing frost.  Low and behold, I found a bit of lemon balm and a lot of spearmint.  Before you get too excited for me, it has mostly likely been peed on by the neighborhood dogs!  I think of it as additional fertilizer!  Then I thought but we can wash it well and boiling water will be washing it as well!  Sooo if you don't hear from me tomorrow, call the first responders!  Don't worry I have survived a bunch of stuff in my 64 years.  I will survive a little dog pee!

Using the last of our turkey today to make Chicken using Turkey Divan.  This time I will only make one recipe of sauce and use sharp Cheddar cheese, because I forgot to buy shredded Parmesan.  Hope you are having a great Sunday!  Getting colder here.  This posting every day is going pretty well.  Talk to you tomorrow.


  1. That is funny! There is probably a lot worse than that on some of the things we buy from the grocery store! Nancy

  2. I picked a bit of Chocolate mint yesterday and figured I would have the same issues. Lots of rinsing going on here too :)

  3. Hi Nancy, Well, we always think of that first even though we don't have a dog! I picked some that was high off the ground that I just dried immediately! Thanks for stopping by!

    Hi Carol, You do have dogs so that would have to be a priority at your house! Thanks for stopping by as always!

  4. Normally the dogs can't get to the herbs and veggie gardens but since I've been down with my foot injury the hubby has been walking Mini for me and he is not as careful about where she goes :( I don't complain (too much) because I'm grateful he is walking her for me.


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady