
Thursday, February 9, 2017

A Gray and White Day in the Herb Garden!

Yes, Sun and Snow At The Same Time!
A View Into The Back Garden!
I think I have mentioned that I am a four seasons kind of girl.  I love all seasons but particularly spring, fall and winter.  Summer gets too hot for me.  So I can't see me ever living in the south for example.  After whining about not having snow, I got my wish today in the form of about four inches of the fluffy white stuff.  I was not prepared though to find the sun coming out AND snow falling to the ground!  It was sort of an unreal experience.  The banner photo shows St. Fiacre being blinded by the snow.   The only other problem with snowy days in the 'Burgh is that it is very dark!  Lights seem to be always on these days.  It is OK!  We have turned the corner as far as light at the end of the day and by the end of February, we will accumulate another 1-1/2 hours of light.  So spring is near really!  A few more days of snow and cold and another winter will be in the back of our memory banks.

I still have lots to talk about.  I still want to talk about herbal teas, celebrate my love/hate relationship with cilantro, the 2017 Herb of the Year, and talk more about savory, the 2015 Herb of the Year.  You get it.  I am planning a special Valentine's Day tea for The Herbal Husband.  Sshh!  Don't tell him, but it will include some of his favorites and some of mine.  I will share it with you next time.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you soon.


  1. Brrrr, but oh so beautiful!

    Looking forward to reading about and seeing pics of your Valentine's Tea. :-) Have a lovely celebration.


  2. It's only 36 days , 20 hours and 45 minutes until Spring :) Yes I am counting !!! We haven't had much snow at all this winter and only ones measurable snowfall of 1.5 inches. :( I've actually had to water some of the potted plants outside as the dirt had started pulling away from the sides of the pots:(

  3. love/hate relationship with cilantro!! I'm with you!


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Lemon Verbena Lady