
Monday, February 6, 2017

The Gray and Green of the Herb Garden Even in Winter!

Still Trying to Make the Germander a Hedge!
I Love the Gray of the Artemisia!
Wow, This Lamb's Ear Has Taken Its Share of the Herb Garden!
Always A Green Source in Winter in the Herb Garden, Salad Burnet!
Well, I didn't think I would be sitting here talking about 40's, 50's even maybe 60 degrees in the herb garden in February.  We may get up to 1/2" of rain tomorrow before we head back to more seasonal temperatures!  I got a memory of February past in my Facebook account this morning that went back to 2011. We had a lot of snow that year. This year not so much.  That is a bit worrisome.

It is such a nice day that I ventured out and took some photos of my favorites in the herb garden this time of year even when it is very snowy.  I also wanted to try and get a list together of moving herbs so that we are on top of it this season.  I need to think about the oregano population in the herb garden.  It is spreading everywhere and taking space where I could have other varieties and you know how I like other varieties of herbs!

Two of my favorite green plants even in the cold of winter are germander and salad burnet.  Germander is a traditional hedge in the herb garden and mine is looking more like a small hedge each day.  And salad burnet that gives you a cucumbery taste in salad and makes a lovely vinegar.  It does not taste so much like cucumber this time of year.  It keeps you in suspense!  The gray favorites are artemisia and lamb's ear.  The artemisia was transplanted late in the season last year and hopefully it will make a hedge similar to the germander.  The lamb's ears are volunteers that need to be moved around.  It will continue to grow out of scale again where I could plant other herbs!  What are your favorite green and gray herbs in the winter garden.

Almost the second week of February and I have been busy with my stitching.  Here is where I am on the afghan.
Square One of Twelve!
I think it will be close to two months of stitching to get all of the squares done.  I will be sprinkling posts in and among the stitching days.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be!  It is another blue sky day and I may get out and take a walk since it is so nice.  Rain tomorrow and maybe even a clap of thunder!  Talk to you soon!


  1. Lots of things are turning green here in Missouri.. It was 57° out there again today . That's 2 days in a row... poor plants are all confused and growing. Not much snow here this year either which is a concern.

  2. Have recently discovered your blog and given we share an interest in herbs and cross-stitch, I know that I am going to enjoy your blog! I love your latest cross-stitch design! Have just nominated you for the Versatile Bloggers Award, with my post on it coming out on the 16th February 2017. Happy gardening and stitching!

  3. Can't wait to see the afghan in its completed state. What an undertaking!
    I've been enjoying the FB updates!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady