
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

A Cascade of Coconut!

The weather is getting cooler here finally.   Sunday when we were working in the garden, the smell of coconut was overwhelming.  So I was reminded how much I love coconut scented geranium (Pelargonium grossularioides).  In the Jim Becker & Faye Brawner book, Scented Geraniums, the description of 'Coconut' says "The leaves of this species are small, round, and deep green.  It forms a low-growing mound of foliage with long sprays of very small magenta flowers.  It has a pleasant scent, though not necessarily that of coconut, and self-seeds freely."

Coconut does self-sow in the herb garden and I have taken it for granted.  Not anymore!  Next the pollinators find the tiny magenta flowers very enticing.  And finally I would say the fragrance of this particular scented geranium is very tropically coconut!  Delicious.  I am going to make sure to dry some leaves and see how the fragrance holds up.

Hope you had some time in your herb garden today.  Looks like Thursday and Friday this week will be the final harvesting days for me.  Flurries in the forecast!  Talk to you later.
A Wiff of Coconut!  Delicious!


  1. Wow, coconut scented geraniums! I love geraniums, but they do NOT do well at all down here in s.e. FL.

    We are going to get down into the 50's here tonight. What a treat! Flurries for you this weekend, brrr.

    Love & hugs to you & HH ~ FlowerLady

  2. Hi Nancy! I haven't been on your blog for so long! Unfortunately I've been quite ill but getting back into blogging regularly again. Please come visit me at and check me out. I love your blog and this coconut herb that you're talking about sounds so fun! I wonder if I can find that in Utah next year. I hope so because I love coconut!

  3. I love the Lemon Rose variety so far.....since I am a fan of coconut, I'll have to give it a try to, there are alot of varieties, none of which I can find locally. So I usually order from the green house. So far I've overwintered my plant from last year, and have a cutting rooting in water just in case.

  4. Can you elaborate on how you dry your leaves, and what you do with them. ? Thank you


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Lemon Verbena Lady