
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Spearmint Lives On!

A Tiny Bit of Green in A Lot of Brown!
Wow!  Where has November gone?  I certainly didn't have a lot to say, did I?  And now The Herbal Husband has gone to visit family and friends in Peru!  I guess that is the good news and bad news.  I know I take for granted what he does for me around here each and every day!  I am exhausted chasing those darn squirrels away from the peanut caddy!!

I was out on the street brooming the leaves from our neighbor's giant oak tree into the front beds.  It is a wild and crazy thing.  The spearmint is surviving in a sea of brown!  I did get some lemon verbena and Texas tarragon cut and hanging in the basement to dry.   So I will be down in the workroom some day next week.  I really need to work on some herbal tea blends.  I have been drinking too much black tea!  Never!  But this is an herbal blog and I need to start using what I dried!

We are having spring type weather here.  It was 65° yesterday!   Supposedly the bottom will drop out next week.  I really do enjoy sweater weather.  Now on to the important stuff.  I didn't get to do a blogiversary giveaway in August.  I will however be doing a monster Herbal Christmas giveaway soon.  Please stay tuned!  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Looks like turkey leftovers are tonight's dinner.  Talk to you soon.


  1. Crazy weather here too. I picked chocolate mint today :) It's dry as a bone here though so mot much else thriving in the warmer weather. :(

  2. Yes, spearmint! I am amazed that mine did not succumb to the frosts. It looks like an evergreen! and yes, time sure flies--here we are dismissing November, and accepting December's presence. I think it helps to think of the year on a seasonal basis, rather than the 12 months. There are only 4 seasons, right? Well, then there is mud season, and black fly season, and garden season, hay season, and on and on. We are now entering "seed catalog" season! Yea!
    It was really nice to read your post. Enjoy every day!
    Bev in NH


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Lemon Verbena Lady