
Friday, December 1, 2017

Holy Blooming Cuban Oregano!

What a Surprise When I Was Watering Today!
In all my years of growing this herb, I don't think I have ever had this herb bloom.  I love this herb, Cuban oregano (Plectranthus amboinicus) which is not actually an oregano at all.  It has a bunch of common names:  Mexican Mint, Indian Borage, Caribbean Oregano, Country Borage, French Thyme, Indian Mint, Soup Mint, Spanish Thyme and Cuban Oregano.  It is so important to know your botanical name.  Common names are different in different areas of the world as you can see above.
It is very easy to grow in a container.  It was used in Victorian times as a bedding plant.  It is a tender perennial here in the 'Burgh.  It has a very pungent smell and flavor, a camphorous one.  There are lots of people in the Caribbean regions who use it in cooking.  I just tasted a flower and I would not use it in cooking.  It is too intense for me.  If you are interested in trying to cook with it, here is a recipe for Grilled Cuban Oregano Chicken from the Feral Kitchen and the 10 Best Cuban Oregano Recipes from Yummly.  Please let me know if you try any of these recipes.

We were much more seasonal today with sunshine and even cold temperatures seem better when there is sun.  The wildlife and I got along a bit better today, but I am counting the days until The Herbal Husband returns.  Hope you have had a great day.  It is December already!  I feel like I have glided through this year!  You may think so too!  OK we are getting closer until I unveil the contents of my annual Herbal Christmas box.  It is epic this year!  Talk to you soon.


  1. I have Mexican oregano. Velvety leaves and very strong scented. East to grow from cuttings, grows like a weed down here in tropical s.e. FL. I need to check out the recipes you posted links to.

    It is still very warm and humid down here.

    Happy Christmas holidays to you dear heart and your dear HH ~ FlowerLady

  2. Looks like a very pretty plant to have around. Have never seen it before.

  3. I am not up on my botanical names, and didn't realize that the oreganos, mints, borages of the world may be cousins of some sort--but I do know that the one oregano I did plant years ago is flourishing, even with our cold winters. I don't mind as it makes a great ground cover...a living mulch. Edible too!


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Lemon Verbena Lady