Butterfly Bush Starting to Bloom! |
My Favorite is Blooming This Season. Second Year Plant in the Ground! |
Swordleaf Elecampane, a Shorter Version of Elecampane! |
Echinacea, a Staple in the Herb Garden |
Monarda Blooming in Time for the Fourth! |
I Thought This Monarda Was a Lighter Color Last Year! |
Really 'Hot Papaya' Echinacea! |
'Hall's Pink' at the Mailbox |
The Really Big and Tall Elecampane! |
After 27 Years in the Stash Box, Three Herbal Bouquets Finished! |
An Apple Tree Ornament! |
A Christmas Lantern Ornament! |
The Start of Jam Season! |
Really can't believe that it is July already! We are still getting rain. So the weeds are monstrous but there is sporadic blooming going on. As I sit here typing, the skies are darkening again and we are about to have another rain storm. Our blooming is spread out through our gardens, but not nearly enough to make a statement. Will have to work on that for next year.
We do have some butterflies and bees, but they are not as present as in other years. I think that has to do with all of the rain we are getting. Hopefully starting tomorrow, we will have a few dry days so that the butterflies and bees will be visiting.
One of my friends asked on Facebook if Monarda reblooms. Yes, if you pick the petals off and keep the head intact, the flowers will rebloom. You can use the petals in salads or dry them to put in your tea blends. The leaves of the monarda do get mildew in this area and once the blooming has finished you can cut the leaves back and it will generate a new crop of mildew free leaves. My two different varieties of elecampane are blooming. The small one is in the herb garden and the large one is back in the flower bed I began last season. I like the large enough to get more for next year. I think I will continue to go big in the back beds and let plants take over. Elecampane doesn't take over, but it does have a large presence.
I have been concentrating on my stitching because of the heat, humidity and rain. As you can see, I have completed the three herbal bouquets from cross stitch magazines that are from 1990! They each took about two weeks to finish. Very excited! I am also working on some small projects including the Christmas ornaments shown above. Very happy and fulfilled to be stitching again.
And the raspberries have started to produce and I have already made two batches of jam. Really raspberries are like clockwork. I made my first batch of jam around the same time last season. Christmas presents will include jam this year. So hope you have had a great season so far in your herb garden. Let me know what you are up to! Also as always, I am up for any herbal questions you may have. Hope you are having a fabulous day wherever you may be. Talk to you later.