After 25 Years It Is Finished! |
I know that cross-stitch is not why you read my blog. Although during the last 9 or 10 months, I have become quite obsessed with my needlework to the detraction of my garden. I will be honest with you, I am not sure that will change. I have discovered quite a few WIP pieces from my stash box that I am going to finish this year if possible. I was so glad to get the coverlet finished and I would like to give a big shout out to Lori Antonetti of
Good Time Quilts for doing a fabulous job on the quilting and finishing. She had never worked with a cross stitch coverlet before, but I was confident in her skills and the equipment she has that she would do a wonderful job and she did!
And where did July go? I can't believe I am writing this in August. We have had a lot of rain. Two inches in one day and then an inch here and there. Many people in the tri-state area were flooded. It has been a disastrous summer for them. The weeds are growing nicely though. One of my Facebook friends had a poster that reads: Pardon the weeds, I'm feeding the bees! Thank God for the bees! So I hope you are having a great day wherever you may be. I will talk to you later.
Your prairie garden quilted piece is oh so lovely. You must be thrilled to have it finished and having it displayed.
Today it is sunshiny, after two days of gray skies, with some big thunderstorms and heavy rains, from Tropical Storm Emily that was a surprise to most of us!
August and September are still very 'hot and humid' months down here. But as fast as time seems to be going, October and cooler weather will be here before we know it.
Happy Living Life ~ FlowerLady
So very beautiful.
What a beautiful project. I tried cross stitch once for my Folk Art badge and messed up the second color (didn't count right so everything was shifted over a few rows). I decided then that it wasn't right for me and have never tried it again. I knit, crochet and redo furniture instead.
This is stunningly beautiful! Twenty five years later, it was well worth the wait!
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