The garden is very soggy, but we made it through the winds with only a brief power loss, a minute or two at most. We can't complain. Still saying prayers for the people to the east of us in eastern PA, NY and NJ. Although the new furnace we got a month ago is having problems! It is always something even when it is new! Hope you understand I'm going to take a break from blogging. Will start again next week. We are supposed to make our annual trip to eastern PA and NJ this coming weekend. May not happen. Hope you are safe wherever you may be. Talk to you next week.
One Big Adventure Featuring Our Gardens, The Herbal Husband and Our Trips to Europe and Beyond!
- Home
- Lemon Verbena Fact Sheet
- Lemon Verbena Recipes
- List of Perennial Herbs
- A List of Annual Herbs
- A List of Tender Perennial Herbs
- A List of Edible Flowers and Ten Rules for Eating Them
- A Partial List of Nonedible or Poisonous Flowers
- Links to Guest Posts for Mother Earth Living Magazine
- Shakespearean Garden Designs and Selected Additional Information!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Just Wanted to Say!
Praying for everyone on the east coast. It hasn't gotten bad here in the 'Burgh yet. In fact we were supposed to have an inch and a half of rain by this time and the forecasters were wrong so far. Thank God! I've sent my first post to Mother Earth Living. Hopefully, you will see that shortly even if I can't see it. Sandy's wrath is supposed to start tomorrow morning or afternoon and progressively get worse. I don't think we are to have as much rain as the east coast, but we are supposed to get wet snow for Halloween. Hopefully, they will postpone it until it is better. Keeping our fingers crossed that we don't lose our power. That's why I'm posting this so if you don't hear from me for a while. I'll post again as soon as I can. Stay safe. I will as well. Talk to you later.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Last Minute Herbal Harvesting Going On!
Tarragon Added to White Wine Vinegar |
Some of my Herb Picks for Today |
Found a Drying Rack under the Stairs and Put it to Use |
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Herbal Flowers in the Fall Garden!
Nasturtium flowers and some leaves! |
Nasturtium flowers and no leaves! |
Calendulas happily blooming! |
A Calendula with a dark center! |
The Best Part of the Sunflowers for the Birds! |
Some Orange Calendula Flowers! |
Monday, October 22, 2012
Let's Just Say A Road Trip Not Quite Around the Corner!
I guess you could say that I'm following Sharon Lovejoy around. Not stalking. I love my Sharon. She is the best and she has an adorable bird book out. She and Jeff are on this crazy book tour thing. She was at the Books by the Banks festival in Cincinnati on Saturday. A symphony of children! That's the nice way to put it. And I thought I'll put The Herbal Husband on a plane to Tampa on Thursday and off Bonnie (my herbal companion) and I will go on Friday and catch up with Sharon and her phone man, Jeff. You can read Sharon's version in her post called Drinking from Johnny Appleseed's Spring. You should read the entire post, but if you just want to cut to the good part, scroll down to the bottom of the post and you will see what I brought to share with our friends. I pinch myself to be able to say that I know Sharon Lovejoy and Jeff Prostovich and they are friends of mine. We shared a meal together at Via Vite. Couldn't hear everything that was said between the packed restaurant and the background music. I think we had a great time. Safe journey to my Sharon and her Jeff. Bonnie and I send our love across the country for your safe return to California. I'll share the herb gardens tomorrow, because you know we visited some. BTW, beautiful Indian summer weather here in the 'Burgh. Lulls one into a false sense that summer will continue for awhile longer. Not so. Will plunge back to reality next week I hear. Talk to you later.
I Haven't Become Compost or Anything Like That!
Just a quick post to say I'm alive. Just got back from a road trip to a neighboring state with my herbal companion, Bonnie, to see one of my favorite authors and her phone man. The Herbal Husband is visiting Tampa and family. He has already called me. Not a good sign. Soo I'll post more later today if I get the chance. Got to get some things done cause I may be going back out to the airport to do an early pickup! Talk to you later.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
A List of Reliable and Sometimes Fragrant Roses!
'Brother Cadfael' and 'Queen Elizabeth' Meeting in the Dining Room |
So with thanks to Mr. Ruggiero, here is his list of Reliable Roses-Old Garden Roses. (Please note: The links I have given are to show the rose itself and not necessarily a place to purchase them. Also make sure they are hardy in your particular zone or area of the world.)
F = fragranthybrid rugosa
'Buffalo Gal'
'Frau Dagmar Hastrup' F
'Hansa' F
'Pink Grootendorst'
'Sarah van Fleet' F
'Sir Thomas Lipton' F
'Therese Bugnet' F
hybrid musk
'Ballerina' F
'Belinda' F
'Buff Beauty' F
'Cornelia' F
hybrid gallica
'Camaieux' F
'Charles de Mills' F
'Versicolor' F
hybrid moss
'Alfred de Dalmas' F
'Henri Martin' F
hybrid damask
'Madame Hardy' F
'Triginapetala' F
hybrid portland
'Jacques Cartier' F
hybrid centifolia
'Fantin-Latour' F
hybrid bourbon
'Mme Issac Pereire' F
'Variegata de Bologna' F
'Zephirine Drouhin' F
I'll give you the Modern and David Austin choices in the coming days. I'll try to combine these lists into one page here when I get a chance. An overcast day in the 'Burgh and chilly. Hope you are having a good day wherever you may be. I'll talk to you later.
Monday, October 15, 2012
A Peruvian Chard Pie!
This was a joint creation by The Herbal Husband and me. He grew and picked the Peruvian chard and made the filling from an old recipe that a friend of his mother's made for the family in the 50's. Some days we are just stuck there in the 50's. I bought the puff pastry and formed the bottom and top crust. Hey, I contributed the foundation! This was a different kind of pie because there were several eggs dropped at the last minute on top of the filling before the top crust was placed. I will get you a translation of the recipe when it is done.
You can see the egg hanging out of my piece of the pie. It was hard boiled, but sunny side up. It is a very nontraditional chard pie. Maybe more typically Peruvian. Hey, anything made with puff pastry is a winner in my book. I just can't have a huge piece of it. Semi-beautiful fall day here. Hope you are having a great day. Talk to you later.
You can see the egg hanging out of my piece of the pie. It was hard boiled, but sunny side up. It is a very nontraditional chard pie. Maybe more typically Peruvian. Hey, anything made with puff pastry is a winner in my book. I just can't have a huge piece of it. Semi-beautiful fall day here. Hope you are having a great day. Talk to you later.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
This Year It Worked Perfectly, Herbally Speaking!
'Frensham' Pelargonium Leaves Drying in a Paper Bag! |
Very Lemony Smell! |
'Rober's Lemon Rose' Pelargonium Leaves |
Some Leaves are Not Yet Dried! |
Most of the pelargoniums are still OK and I may do the paper bag drying with some more leaves this week. I don't want to go too crazy and then not find a way to use them later. We did have a hard freeze yesterday morning so the tomatoes are done. The zinnias in the front are toast. The nasturtiums looked done, but I saw that some flowers are still blooming! The tallest lemon verbena got some damaged leaves. I will make jelly some time this week. Busy time in the herb garden. We are going to be in the 70's today and so I guess this is Indian Summer now. We got the grass cut this morning and maybe for the last time this year. Never know about that. Hope you are having a great day. Talk to you later.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Learning About Lovage with Kathleen at The Village Herb Shop!
Lovage in the Herb Garden! Looking Good! |
The Herb Garden at the Village Herb Shop in Chagrin Falls, OH! |
We Made a Seasoning for Soup and a Rub for Vegetables and Chicken Using Lovage! |
Lovage is a perennial herb from Zones 5 to 8. It needs a large space in the garden. Once you plant it and it is in the ground for several years, it takes a piece of machinery to get it out. It needs four to six hours to grow. I love it because it is a true spring time herb. It has a celery smell and flavor but a stronger depth of flavor. In many European countries, it was thought to have special powers as a love charm or an aphrodisiac.
Lovage was a very important cooking and salad herb in the middle ages. It is up early in the garden. I have dried leaves between two pieces of paper toweling that gives it a scent of lovage as a bonus. Once dried (If they aren't completely dried, they will turn moldy!), lovage can be stored in a glass jar or plastic container. Leaves also freeze well. It doesn't have much of a flower. Lovage is grown for its leaves. Once it flowers and goes to seed, cut and dry the seeds to be used like celery seeds. Very flavorful. Because it is a stronger flavor than celery, it can be used in soups, eggs, salads and stuffing. The hollow stems can be used as a straw for beverages both alcoholic and nonalcoholic. It can also be used in vinegars, butters and pulverize two cups of fresh lovage leaves with one cup of water in a blender. Freeze in ice cube trays and use one cube per pot of soup. It was a great herb day in Chagrin Falls with Kathleen of The Village Herb Shop.
Going to be another cold one tonight. Hopefully, the herbs will make it one more cold night so I have a bit more time to harvest. Hope you have had a great day. Talk to you later.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Herb of the Year Still Blooming in My Garden!
Everblooming Cecile Brunner |
A 'Rose' Geranium in Bloom |
The Red Fairy Rose |
The Pink Fairy Rose |
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Close to Freezing and Still Going Strong!
My 'African Blue Basil' |
Monday, October 8, 2012
Sometimes Leaves are Larger than Flowers!
'Dwarf Cherry Rose' and 'Jewel Peach Melba' from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds |
'Buttercream' nasturtiums from Renee's Garden |
Sunday, October 7, 2012
I Am Just Totally Disgusted!
Sorry there won't be any pretty photos with this post! We came out into the herb garden this morning to find dog crap in my herb garden. In full view. I am just so tired of loose dogs and people letting their pets go on other people's yards and gardens. I just wish there was some way to give the dog a jolt if it steps in the garden to do its business! Shame on all of you who let it happen! Be responsible for your pets, please! If you have a solution in the prevention department to help keep them from doing it again, please let me know. I'm done. Talk to you later.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
We're Down to Crunch Time, Lemon Verbena Crunch Time!
You Really Don't Grow Lemon Verbena for Its Blooms, But Isn't It Beautiful? |
The big question is which plants will be used for what task. The one that is blooming is just about as tall as I am, 5' 6"! From the smaller plants that have a lot of leaves on each, I think I will do jelly and freeze some for lemon verbena bread since I discovered they can be frozen. I have four packages of Certo left! I thought I bought enough! It's been a busy year jelly wise! Well, it's a small issue in a world that is different each day. Also we'll pick which lemon verbena will be coming in this winter. I think I can count on one hand the number of times I have had a lemon verbena come back from winter in the 'Burgh. If you live in the northeast, don't hesitate to dig up your lemon verbena and bring it in. They will drop their leaves and play dormant until about February. So don't forget to water them and keep them in the basement or in a room with a southern or western exposure. They will start to leaf out sometime in February.
The leaf blowers have started outside. We generally rake what leaves come from the neighbor's trees. It is cool and crisp. A typical Autumnal day in the 'Burgh! Hope you are having a great day wherever in the world you may be. Talk to you later.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Growing in the Rose Bush!
Silly melons from the compost spread under the rose bush in the herb garden. We have had an awful problem with pill bugs this season. So The Herbal Husband sprinkled them with diatomaceous (It's a sad day when I can finally spell this correctly and I still get a red line underneath it!) earth on them. First it was too hot and dry and now it is not wet, wet, but raining enough the pill bugs and slugs are having fun with the produce. The slugs have made in roads into the hostas in the front garden. Holes on the leaves everywhere. I have also been picking slugs out of the nasturtiums flowers. Yuck! Hope none of them made it into the vinegar I'm making! Oh, just a bit more protein I guess! Well, we finally got the ivy cut and we can see out the windows and open and close them! Getting a bit weary of that chore every year. It is surprising how it hasn't ruined the mortar like everyone thinks it does. Well, I'm going to close now. Sorry this post is so late in the day. I have had to put off the rose geranium jelly until tomorrow. Have three recipes to make. The temperatures will be dropping tomorrow so we need to think about last minute harvesting and herbs to transplant in the garden. Always something doing. Talk to you later.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
The End of an Herbal Magazine Era!
Well, I keep outliving magazines. I guess it's the way it's going to be. This one has been a particularly special one for me in the last several years. Linda Ligon founded The Herb Companion in 1988 and in the last years Ogden Publications ran the herbal ship. I was so fortunate to have my own blog, The Herb Channeler for the last year or so for The Herb Companion. Thanks to K.C. Compton and Gina DeBacker for allowing me to blog for them. I really loved the journey. Now you will find my blogging abilities on Mother Earth Living, a combination of two of Linda Ligon's babies, The Herb Companion and Natural Home.

Hope you will continue to follow my herbal adventures with me. I will still be blogging about herbs for Mother Earth Living. Thanks to The Herb Companion magazine for all of the great herbal knowledge. I know Mother Earth Living will continue the herbal journey. For those of you who are asking, you will get Mother Earth Living if you either subscribed to The Herb Companion or Natural Home or both. If you have five issues left on The Herb Companion subscription and 2 left on your Natural Home subscription, you will get 7 issues of Mother Earth Living.
Got to go trim the ivy. An annual event! Talk to you later.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
The New York Botanical Garden-2012
Entrance to the Gardens |
They Do Wonderful Plant Combinations at NYBG |
Manolo Valdes Monumental Sculpture through next May |
Rose Garden from the Tram |
A Bit of Vertical Gardening for NYC |
The Nancy Bryan Luce Herb Garden |
Basil was Thriving |
The Enid Haupt Conservatory |
Monet's Garden |
The Exhibit Looks Very Much Like October in France |
Wonderful Flower Combinations |
Plant Boxes with Trial Combinations |
Monet's Garden in Giverny in 2007 |
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