Our Forest Front Garden |
Our Front Gate |
Echinacea, Monarda and Blooming Lemon Balm, Yikes! |
Spearmint in FULL Bloom! |
Rudbeckia 'Herbstonne' |
Really considering that there was sporadic rain, the garden did quite well. The photos above are our front garden. My herb garden is struggling this year from not enough attention. Here are some photos of the back garden looking wild and lush!
A Wild and Crazy Back Garden! |
Just a Few Monardas Left! |
Dill in Bloom! |
'Silver King' Artemisia for Another Christmas Tree and Mountain Mint in the Background |
'Goldstrum' Rudbeckia Around the Birdbath |
One of My Favorite Edible Flowers, Anise Hyssop! Like a Box of Good 'N Plenty! |
A Few Volunteer Sunflowers! |
Yes, Virginia, There Will be Grape Jelly This Year! |
I think The Herbal Husband did a good thing before we went on our trip, he watered everything very well and with some minor exceptions, everything put on new growth. Still trying to get adjusted to the time, unpack and laundry, etc. Already got most of the hummingbird vine that is coming up literally everywhere in the front out so it doesn't look like an abandoned garden! I couldn't stand it! Promise to have adventures in the coming days! Did not miss the humidity! It is very sticky here! Glad to be back blogging! Talk to you later.
Your garden looks beautiful. Bet it was nice to sleep in your own bed.
Looking forward to seeing photos of your travels.
Love Leanne
Welcome home and I agree your garden looks luscious.
Thanks for stopping by ladies.
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