
Monday, January 31, 2011

The Calm Before the Storm!

Wanted to show that the 'Burgh does get sunny days even in the snow and cold!  We're expecting a storm tonight that may bring us ice which we don't get too often.  Hope we don't lose our power.  Hope you are staying warm or cool wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.  I'm going to steal a quote from Claude Monet for the daily quote, but make it my own.

This is Claude's quote:  More than anything, I must have flowers, always, always.
This is my take on Monet's quote:  More than anything, I must have herbs, always, always.

Talk to you later.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Making Progress, Herbally Speaking!

Had to give you another photo of my favorite, lemon verbena.  It's hanging out in the basement at the moment getting some heat!  Just have to start giving it some more sun!  Ha!  That's funny in the 'Burgh!  Not much sun here at  the moment!  Eventually we will turn the corner here.  We always do.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be!  The quote for today is from Mrs. Reppert's TwelveMonth Herbal:

Thy loving smile will surely hail
The love-gift of a fairy tale.
- Lewis Carroll
Talk to you later.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Congrats Miss C!

It was Science Fair day and night at Miss C's school yesterday.  She got a first place and an excellence award in her category, Behavioral Science.  Not quite growing plants like last year, but she and I are left handed so it was still near and dear to my hand or heart!  I took a picture of the ribbons, but I goofed, Miss C.  We didn't cover up her name and I promised I wouldn't disclose it. 

That's her problem and it is true that right handed people have a dominant eye, hand and foot, but left handed people seem to be more adaptable and can use both hands and feet more easily than right handed folks!  It is still mostly a right handed world, but we adapt to it a little better.  That's my version of the story and I'm sticking to it!  Unlike last year, she is sixth alternate for regional competition.  It's a matter of numbers.  She is in seventh grade and only 10 are going.  She may still have a chance, but it's OK, Miss C.  You did good!  Off to see The King's Speech again.  The Herbal Husband is going to see The Rite.  Talk to you later.
I'll get you a quote later on.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Favorite Seed Catalogs for Herbs

My master gardening friend, Shelley, thought that it was about thyme (sorry just had to) that I talked about my favorite seed catalogs.  It is prime time for ordering herb seeds, vegetable or flower seeds.   Here are six of my favorite catalogs.  Some of their websites are under my favorites list on the right.

Johnny's Selected Seeds from Maine-a perennial favorite of mine
Richters from Canada-I am going for a visit some day soon to buy plants!
John Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds from Connecticut-Haven't ordered from them, but it is just a matter of time.
Pinetree Garden Seeds from Maine-Have ordered vegetable, flower and herb seeds from this company.  Very reasonable prices.
Nichols Garden Nursery from Oregon-Have ordered vegetable, flower and herb seeds from this company.  Very unusual varieties.
Territorial Seed Company from Oregon-Have ordered vegetable, flower and herb seeds from this company.

There are a couple of websites that I want to highlight that are on my favorites list, Renee's Garden.  Renee's have our favorite flat bean called 'Musica' and Hometown Seeds.  Haven't ordered from this company, but I'm looking forward to ordering soon.  There are lots of herbs and herbal flowers that are really easy to grow from seed.  They include calendula, nasturtiums, dianthus, borage, dill, cilantro, parsley, basil, anise hyssop, chamomile, chives, fennel, feverfew, salad burnet, summer savory, stevia and more that I can't think of at the moment!  This is just a fraction of the possibilities, but I hope that I have given you some ideas that you haven't explored!  What's your favorite seed catalog or website?

Hope you had a great day.  It's snowing again here.  Went to Miss C's Science Fair and I will have the results for you tomorrow.  Talk to you later.  The quote of the day is from Mrs. Reppert's TwelveMonth Herbal:

Who loves a garden,
Still his Eden keeps;
Perennial pleasures plants,
Wholesome harvests reaps.
--Amos Bronson Alcott

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Extreme Snowman!

I'm sort of scraping the bottom of the snow barrel today with this post!  It isn't even my yard.  It's next door!  Still snowing.  Hopefully, it doesn't stick.  Maybe I'm having brain freeze, herbally speaking that is!  Very delinquent on the quote front.  Here is today's quote from Mrs. Reppert's TwelveMonth Herbal:

Show me your garden and I shall show you who you are.
-- A. Austin
Hope you are having a great day!  Talk to you later.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Guest Blogging for The Herb Companion Magazine-The Chelsea Physic Garden!

Obviously, The Garden of World Medicine!

The Rock Garden and Pool

A Contemplative Garden
Two of My Favorites, Nasturtiums and Chard!

Beans on the Tripod with a Flower Pot Hat!

Lemon Gem Marigolds, Lettuce, Corn and Chard!

A Stand of Perilla!

A Bed of Herbal Remedies or a Hedge of Lavender!

A Hedge of Green Santolina!

A Lavender Collection!
A Tropical Walkway in the Greenhouse

An Educational Cart in the Garden
A Monkey Puzzle Tree

Meadow flowers at the Chelsea

Very Exacting Flower Beds!
Just wanted to post these photos as promised in my guest blog for The Herb Companion magazine called Herbal Travels: The Chelsea Physic Garden of London.  Hope you had a great day!  Talk to you later.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A Favorite Pastime in London!

Piccadilly Circus-The Times Square of London

Looking down from my seat on a Double Decker Bus!
One of My Favorite Streets in London-Piccadilly

A Slightly Crazy Gentleman on a Bicycle Riding in Front of the Bus!
You Can Rent a Bicycle in London!
I have gotten pretty good at finding my way around London on my own.  I really enjoy getting on a double decker bus and getting the front seat upstairs and just going to the end of the line.  Even at night I go.  London is beautiful in the daytime and at night.  I need to tell you about that fourth photo is of a slightly crazy gentleman who had his briefcase hanging on the handlebars and he was well dressed.  I didn't get a photo because I was shocked at what happened.  He stayed out in front of the bus and as we were going through Green Park, he made a hand gesture to make a right turn and go under the street through a tunnel!  The bus stopped, fortunately, and let him go!  I have seen guys on roller blades hanging on to the back of a bus at night!  You see it all in London!  They have just started renting bikes in London!  I'm not that crazy.  The Herbal Husband wanted to rent bikes in Paris!  Crazy!  Not doing that any time soon!  Another cold day in the 'Burgh!  I must say we are really pleased that the Steelers won last night and are on their way to the Super Bowl!  Hope you had a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later! 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

One of My Favorites-Rosemary!

Sometimes I forget what nice herbal accessories I have!  It also helps me talk about rosemary which is definitely one of my favorite herbs.  Taylorsoutback  asked the other day what is my preferred rosemary for cooking.  Then yesterday I got an email about a good rosemary that was in the 24 inch range.  Here is that question and my answer.

We now need rosemary that is about 24 inches and upright to add to our newly reconstructed backyard environment.  There are paths around a central circle and interwoven paths throughout the yard. We are are looking for rosemary to use around raised beds and for the central circle.  The rosemary in the circle can be taller or shorter depending if it is in the center or closer to the border.  Any insight would be appreciated

I have the Well Sweep 2010 catalog in front of me.  I do love Well Sweep.  I wish I was closer to them.  They are a great family owned herb farm.  They talk about several rosemaries that made it through the winter of 2001-2002 when the temperature was 7 degrees.  'Dutch Mill' is 14 inches.  'Blue Spears' is 18 inches.    'Blue Gem' and 'Blue Spire' are 20 inches and upright.  'Logee Blue' is 22 inches (in a slightly protected area) and 'Sissinghurst Blue' is closest to what you need at 24 inches.  These are also 24 inches, 'Franeaux', 'Hulka', 'Pink' and 'St. Andrew's'.  So there are 5 choices that Well Sweep offers in the 24 inch size depending on their stock.

Unfortunately, I don't have experience with any of them.  I have grown 'Arp' at 17 inches, 'Golden Rain' at 14 inches, 'Prostrate', 'Salem' is about 18 inches, 'Spice Island' about 12 inches or larger and I think 'Tuscan Blue' at 30 inches.  I usually have one upright and one prostrate in the herb garden each year.  Both come in in a container for the winter.  I have never had a rosemary winter over in my herb garden.  The 'Prostrate' has been a container now for two seasons and has done well in our garage that has a southern exposure.  The 'Spice Island' was taken in late in 2010 and I think it got over watered.  Hopefully it will be alive when spring comes to go back in the garden again.

Rosemary is one of my favorite herbs.  I would truthfully like one of each please!  I think 'Salem', 'Spice Island' and 'Tuscan Blue' did the best for me.  'Golden Rain' while it was unique was not a very strong plant in my experience.

Taylorsoutback, I do usually have just one prostrate and one upright.  Any more than that and I have to bring them all in and then that can lead to problems.  'Arp', 'Salem', 'Spice Island' and 'Tuscan Blue' are all fairly available in local garden centers and are very good for cooking.  If it says common on the tag, I would bet that it is an 'Arp'.   This is when I wished I lived in the southern part of the country so I could have a rosemary that was as big as a small car!  Don't forget to visit one of my favorite herb shops with rosemary, The Rosemary House and their blog, Rosemary's Sampler.  The sisters Reppert got me starting blogging and I've never looked back.  Well, I hope if you have had questions about rosemary, this has helped you.  If you have any lingering questions, please feel free to leave me a comment or e-mail me.  I love to do research about my passion, herbs!

Well, got to run.  It is still freezing here!  Getting ready for the big game!  Go Steelers!  Talk to you later!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Natural Thermometer!

When the rhodies leaves are rolled up like cigars!  Look out!  It is FREEZING!  I think I did a post like this last year or the year before.  It was the coldest night last night.  Some of you are below zero at this moment.  We were at 4 degrees or a little less.  That is very cold for us.  Our cat a/k/a Kitty was back this morning and I got a photo of it.  I think it was under The Herbal Husband's car waiting for the birds to be fed!  We think it lives under our neighbor's shed, but it is near our house at times when The Herbal Husband comes out at night.   I guess hoping to sneak inside!  Well, I hope you are staying warm or cool wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.

Friday, January 21, 2011

An Edible Flower Screen!

These yuccas were on my walk to the Garden Museum in London.  Thought it was a novel idea to hide the car.  Really love the way Londoners use every available space.  Bet you forgot yuccas are an edible flower.  We have them in our salads when they bloom here in May or June.  Don't forget to take out the stamens and other parts.  Eat just the petals of organically grown flowers!  Hope you are staying warm!  IT IS FREEZING HERE!  Just unburied the car for the umpteenth time!  It is getting really old for The Herbal Husband.  I still enjoy it since we don't have to commute any more!  I'm a four seasons kinds of girl.  Talk to you later.  Forgot the quote yesterday!  So we will use yesterday's for today's from Mrs. Reppert's TwelveMonth Herbal.

An herb is a garden plant which has been cherished for itself and for a use.
-- Henry Beston

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow and Chicken on the Plate!

Looks like the snow we are getting outside.  It is really mashed potatoes and cauliflower.  We got a new grocery store and I'll in love with it!  I now make excuses to go there!  Really the Herbal Husband asked if there were maps and I said yes, but I just love to wander around looking at all the new brands!  It is so pleasant.  Yes, I know my life gets sadder by the day!  They even are selling beer which I don't care about, but I know lots of people are happy.  You see we have state stores that control our liquor and beer distributors that control beer.  So if you want a six pack, you have to go to a bar until now.  Hopefully, not too easy for kids to get it!

The rest of the plate has cornflake crumb chicken, one of the Herbal Husband's favorites.  Got the recipe for the chicken on the back of the Cornflake Crumb box.  It figures I have all of these fancy cookbooks and what do I need the recipe on the box!  The recipe uses parts of the chicken.  I used boneless and skinless chicken.  There is a 1/2 cup of evaporated milk and seasoned salt (I used my favorite chicken mix from The Village Herb Shop.)  and 2 T. of melted butter and 1 cup or so of cornflake crumbs.  I use a sheet of waxed paper and put the crumbs on it and then pitch the paper when done.  You mix the seasoning with the cornflake crumbs on the paper.  Then soak the chicken in the milk and then cover the chicken with seasoned cornflake crumbs and then place in a ovenproof dish and pour the melted butter over the chicken.  Bake in a 350 degree oven uncovered for 45 minutes to an hour, depending on how much chicken you are fixing.  The Herbal Husband likes it cooked fresh.  So I cut one piece in two giving him the bigger piece and then refrigerate the rest in a Tupperware container for later.  It is very easy and delicious.

Getting thin on posts these days.  Will continue to get you travel photos from my September trip and maybe scan a few in from previous trips.  Got to get to work on my gardening class for a local community college!  Not for college kids, but for avid gardeners.  Hope you are staying warm or cool wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Another London Favorite Has a New Look and Name!

St. Mary-at-Lambeth which houses the Garden Museum
This is the former Museum of Garden History in London.  It is now called the Garden Museum.  It is a lovely museum and the gardens outside the museum are even better.
The Recreated 17th Century Knot Garden planned and ordered by Lady Salisbury in 1980/81
Love the waddle fences
More Fencing and Rosehips
A Banana Tree
In 1977 John and Rosemary Nicholson created The Tradescant Trust, founded the Museum of Garden History and saved St. Mary's Church from destruction.  Named The Tradescant Trust because both John Tradescant the Elder and John Tradescant the Younger are buried in the courtyard of the church.  They were gardeners and plant hunters to Lord Salisbury at Hatfield House and then to Kings Charles I and Charles II.  Inside there are a number of exhibits, a gift shop (always like those gardening gifts) and a wonderful cafe that serves a very good vegetarian lunch.   It also has a wonderful view of Parliament and Big Ben.

Parliament and Big Ben

Hope you had a wonderful day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.  The quote of the day comes from Mrs. Reppert's TwelveMonth Herbal:

The blessing is not in living, but in living well.
-- Seneca, 8 B.C.-65 A.D.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Texas Tufa's Changing Addresses!

I hope you all know who blog in the blogging universe, that I am here for support.  I just wanted to let you know if you follow Texas Tufa that she is changing addresses to FW Dirt.  She loves gardening,  is a computer whiz and has that great Texas spirit and determination and she enjoys her roses.  She has given me support when I was ready to throw my computer out the window!  I was close TG!  I'm so looking forward to seeing what happens around her new building in Fort Worth.  Here is a 'Dublin Bay' rose or two for you TG!  So if you have the chance, check her out at her new address.

Life is short, make the most of it and enjoy it!
--Unknown, but I say it all the time now!

Warming up if just briefly and that means the sun is out.  The dreading icicles are off the back of the house!  It was getting big and ugly!  Stay warm or cool.  Talk to you later.

Monday, January 17, 2011

One of My London Favorites!

When I visited London last September, my friend and I had lunch at Fortnum & Mason.  This is the famous clock outside striking the two o'clock hour.

It's funny how my English friend that lives in Spain loves coffee now!  I'm still in love with tea!  How could you not be with this silver tea set!  Here is my lunch, a warm lobster salad.  It was very delicious!
Getting ready for the next storm to blow through here.  Going to be warm enough for rain.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.  I keep forgetting the quote of the day.  From Mrs. Reppert's Twelvemonth Herbal:

The summer never shines so bright
As thought of in a winter's night
And the sweetest loveliest rose
Is in the bud before it blows.
--  Thomas Hood

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pork Chops with Creamy Herb Wine Sauce

Rose Geranium Infused Wine

Pork Chop with Herb Wine Sauce, Mashed Potatoes and Waxed Beans
Actually the recipe is from and it is called Pork Chops with Creamy Marsala Sauce.  If you click on the link, it will give you the original recipe.  Of course, I had to put my spin on it by using white Zinfandel infused with rose geranium leaves (for jelly).  It really had a slight taste of the rose geranium which was good.  Here it is plated with The Herbal Husband's famous mashed potatoes and waxed beans from our garden.  It was delish!  So here is my version of the recipe:

Pork Chops with Creamy Herb Wine Sauce
Serves 4
Calories 332 per serving

1/2 cup Marsala wine (I used the rose geranium wine)
2 t. cornstarch
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
4 thin boneless pork loin chops, trimmed
1/4 t. kosher salt
1/4 t. freshly ground pepper
2 t. (we used more 2 T. at least) extra virgin olive oil
1 small onion, chopped
(1 clove garlic, minced)
3 t. chopped fresh oregano or 1 t. dried
3 t. chopped fresh chives, divided
1 cup low-fat milk
(Omitted 4 slices thin prosciutto, chopped)

1.  Mix 2 and cornstarch in a small bowl; set aside.

2.  Place flour in a shallow dish.  Sprinkle pork chops with salt and pepper (and I used some granulated garlic), then dredge in the flour.

3.  Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.  Reduce heat to medium and add the pork chops.  Cook until well browned on both sides, about 2 minutes per side.  Transfer to a plate.  Add prosciutto to the pan and cook, stirring constantly, until browned, about 1 minute. (I did not use the prosciutto)  Add onion (and garlic) and cook stirring often, until it starts to soften and brown 2 to 3 minutes.   Add the remaining 6 tablespoons wine, oregano and 1-1/2 t. chives and bring to a boil, scraping up any browned bits.  Add milk and the reserved cornstarch mixture to the pan; adjust the heat to maintain a simmer.  Cook, stirring occasionally, until the sauce has thickened and reduced slightly, 4 to 6 minutes.

4.  Return the pork chops and any accumulated juice to the pan and simmer, turning to coat, until heated through 1 to 2 minutes.  (I cooked them for about 10 additional minutes.)

Serve the chops topped with the sauce and garnished with the remaining 1-1/2 t. chives.

The Herbal Husband loved them and so did I.  The Jets beat the Patriots!  One more game in Pittsburgh!  Here we go Steelers, here we go!  The quote of the day from Mrs. Reppert's TwelveMonth Herbal:

A garden is the mirror of a mind.  It is a place of life, a mystery of
green moving to the pulse of the year, and pressing on and pausing
the while to its own inherent rhythms.
-- Henry Beston

Hope you had a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

An Herbal Garage!

This is a big deal in our house.  We have a one car garage and at the moment not even The Herbal Husband's car is in the garage!  Trust me his car is usually in the garage the whole year round.  We have so many herbs in containers that need protection that The Herbal Husband has moved his cherished Honda out of the garage and its buried in snow!  There are scented geraniums, mints, a curry plant, silver thyme and compact sage.  There are even dwarf evergreens in the container at the bottom.

Hope you have noticed that I have pumped up My Favorite Blogs listings with some very informative and funny blogs of fans and bloggers who comment.  Hope you take a few minutes to take a trip around the world while you are visiting this blog.  Hope you are staying warm or cool wherever you are.  Here is the quote from China Bayles' Book of Days:
Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you.
--Marsha Norman

Whew, we won, but did it have to be so close!  It was heart attack time!  On to the AFC Championship!

Friday, January 14, 2011

A Very Sculptural Herb!

This is the photo I wanted to use for my post on Aloe vera the other day.  You see, we don't pay much attention to our aloe.  We do use it because it is in the kitchen, but it has become very sculptural!  We were shopping today and we bought the grocery store out!  I don't know how we got it all put away!  It just amazes me.  The car was overflowing and it's just the two of us.  Well, it's going to snow again tomorrow in time for the Steelers/Ravens game.  Just as well, we bought out the store!  Well, I hope you are staying warm or cool wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.  The quote of the day is from my favorite, Mrs. Reppert's TwelveMonth Herbal:

 They have medicinal, artistic and culinary
values; but, traditionally, they have a
meaningful spiritual quotient as well.
--Rob Wood, Spoutwood Farm

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Is it 'Rober's or Robert's Lemon Rose' Scented Geranium?

Well, you know how I like controversy especially an herbal one.  The top photo is our 'Rober's Lemon Rose' scented geranium hanging out on the living room windowsill in a southern exposure.  What's unusual about this scented geranium is its leaf shape very similar to tomato leaves.  We will see how the white flies congregate late in the season.  The tag is from my England trip in September to the Chelsea Physic Garden.  They are a very reputable source.

Unfortunately the Chelsea Physic Garden's signage is incorrect.  Just found with the help of a Google book that I have in my collection called The Encyclopedia of Herbs by Arthur O. Tucker and Thomas DeBaggio.  It's all online!  OK, here goes 'Rober's Lemon Rose' is a hybrid of P. graveolens x P. tomentosum that came from Ernest Rober in California in the 1940's.  'Velvet Rose' was isolated from 'Rober's Lemon Rose' tissue culture line by Robert Skirvin at Purdue University in 1975.  So maybe the Chelsea thought that Rober's Lemon Rose was developed by Robert Skirvin instead of Ernest Rober.  I guess I'll just have to let them know the next time I'm there!  You know I will!  The quote for the day comes from Mrs. Reppert's TwelveMonth Herbal:

Many gardens grew within monastery
walls, but most important were the physic
garden near the infirmary and the kitchen
garden near the gardener's cottage.
-- Rosetta E. Clarkson, Magic Gardens

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Answer for Anonymous About Aloe Vera

Going to use the same photo from the other day.  Sorry!  It may take me until tomorrow to find another shot of an aloe vera.   Anonymous asks:

"Thank you for your comments...I have a question about the aloe vera plant...the leaves keep getting bigger and I am not sure how to harvest order to do as little damage to the plant as possible."

First of all, Anonymous, thanks for the great question.  Second of all, my herbal expertise is not medicinal, but I do have a lot of books on herbal medicine.  I just have not moved into that stage of my life.  I have come up with some answers for you.

Just some general information on Aloe (Aloe vera) which is a native to tropical and semi-tropical regions of Africa and the Mediterranean.  It needs good friable soil and a pot with good drainage if you are growing it in the north.  You can sink a pot of aloe if you grow it in the north and use it as an accent in the herb garden.

It is perfect on the windowsill of your kitchen as well.   It is best to water it well and then let it dry out almost completely before watering again.  It leads to that benign neglect I was talking about.  Teetering on the edge of death before being watered!  Fertilizing will help it grow well.  Repot and divide annually to keep it a manageable size!  (That doesn't happen in this house!)  It is easily propagated by removing and planting the offshoots that form at the bottom of the parent plant.  If you live in the deep south and have a mild winter, aloe will grow outside.
The first is a link from The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine which is part of the National Institutes of Health which will give you some other links and basic information about aloe vera.

A book I do refer to from time to time is James A. Duke, Ph.D., The Green Pharmacy, Emmaus:  Rodale Press, 1997.  In it he talks about aloe being used to treat burns and other wounds since ancient times.

I quote from his book on Page 104 "Scientists are still not certain how aloe speeds the healing of burns, but the herb appears to have several beneficial effects.  One study showed that aloe increases the amount of blood flowing to areas of burned tissue, which brings more of the body's healing resources to the area where they're needed....It is my first-choice herb for burns.  Unfortunately, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not share my opinion.  Two FDA advisory panels found "insufficient evidence" that aloe is useful for burns.  When the FDA says "insufficient evidence," it doesn't mean that the evidence isn't out there--it clearly is, and lots of it.  It means only that years ago, when the panels were considering over-the-counter drugs (and when U.S. herbalism was at a low ebb), no one sent the panels enough studies to convince them.  And why should they?  The herbal believers are already convinced, and there's no economic incentive for drug companies to get aloe approved when anyone can grow it and the companies can't make any money on it."

This one of my favorite contemporary herbal authors these days, Jekka McVicar and this is a reprint of her New Book of Herbs.  It's called Grow Herbs, London:  Dorling Kindersley, Limited, 2010.  In it she says:  "HARVESTING  Cut fresh leaves throughout the growing season and store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.  Plants over two years old have stronger medicinal properties.  She also has a CAUTION  The leaves are a potent laxative, and should not be taken by pregnant women or young children."  If you are planning to take them internally, please contact a clinical herbalist like Susanna Reppert-Brill or her husband, David Brill at The Rosemary House.  They are located in central Pennsylvania, but may be you can e-mail them for additional information.

Hopefully, Anonymous this has given you some good information.  If I have missed something or can answer any other questions about aloe, please let me know.

First BIG (not) Snow of the Season!

A few photos from our snowstorm the last two days!  We had about an inch and a half or 2" on the ground already and the total is 7-1/2".  So we got an additional 5-1/2" on the ground.  Oh, that fuzzy math!  Remember I married my math man!  I may be still in shock because at the doctor's yesterday I discovered I'm only 5'6".  Always thought I was 5'8".  Where did that 2 inches go?  That fuzzy math coming into play.  Hope you are staying warm and cozy or cool and hydrated wherever you may be!  I'm doing an additional post today on aloe vera.  Coming shortly!  Stay tuned!  The quote of the day is from Mrs. Reppert's TwelveMonth Herbal:

"Winter is a time of rest for all.  The roots and seeds for next year's greening
up time are now dormant revitalizing themselves to spring up
when the seasons change.  We're doing the same...
--  Billy Joe Tatum

Talk to you soon.