This lovely plant is a 'Green Pepper' basil. It doesn't look much like a typical basil. It makes an excellent herbal vinegar. We keep it in a pot and it reseeds itself. We have passed seeds along to friends, but they don't seem to germinate. It can tolerate some shade. So morning sun/afternoon shade.
I did buy a few and I really mean a few, less than ten new herbs for the garden. Here is where the new scented geraniums and a couple of container ones were planted the other day. So if you have gaps where you could use a larger herb, think about planting your container herbs into that empty space. You can always find a new smaller herb for that container!;>} Hope you are having a great day. We are still making rain in this part of the world. My neighbor brought his boat out of storage! Do you think he knows something I don't? It's laundry day here and it's piled to the ceiling! Talk to you later.
I'll have to wait a few more weeks til I'm able to plant any tender plants out in the garden. We've been getting so much rain here that it wouldn't matter if the temperatures were warmer... I'd be soaked to the bone in less than a minute! So I can browse your blog and dream at least! Everything looks lovely, except for those darn nymphs wreaking havoc on your oregano and such... hope that ends soon. (Keep on a-squishin')
Love the bit about scented geraniums; we used to go to an herb farm in Vermont when my children were little... it was a very small farm with sheep, rabbits and other entertainment for the wee ones. They had a vast selection of sooo many scented geraniums, but alas, they have gone out of business.
Hope you got a good start on your laundry, Nancy! Til next time~ xox
I grilled some parsley with salmon this weekend. I've never grilled parsley (only a few seconds) but it was awesome.
Looks like you are making progress. Our landscaper is here working in the rain doing the heavier projects. Now it's just plain to cold and windy for me.
Green pepper basil! I had one of those the last year or two (froze this winter in the move, rats).
I had never seen one before! or since! I knew I should have asked you about it. It did have a different taste and I was not certain if the label was correct. Hope I find another one.
It has been a very wet spring, Laura. Hope you get some warmer weather shortly. Aah those memories of the kids and herb farms of the past! Yes, the laundry is finished for a little while. xxoo Nancy
Good job, Becca! Parsley is good on a lot of meat and I especially love parsley buttered potatoes! From my childhood! Keep experimenting!
Glad you have someone to do the heavier jobs, Peggy! Hope things are going better for you and Norm. Take good care.
Not every garden center has it. I would think you would find it easier than me. I have to travel to Ohio to get it! Hope you are able to find it again, TG!
Thanks ladies for stopping by!
I am very uninformed when it comes to herbs but I always learn a few tidbits over here. For instance, I did not know there were varieties of basils.
What I don't know could fill an encyclopedia.
Well, if you check in here every now and then, hopefully you can learn something else about herbs, LH!
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