The Herbal Husband's report says everything is good outside! If we hadn't moved them inside though, something would have been frosted and then the Spanish starts! Fortunately I know when the bad words start, I leave the premises!
Well, all of the kids (herbs) in the herbal containers this season grew like weeds! Ha! So now we have to take everything out and trim things back and place them semi-permanently for winter. The herbal work never ends which is a good herbal thing. Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be. Got to go walk! Talk to you later!
Usually by now we have had a killing frost. But over the past several years that has all changed and sometimes we don't get it until November now. Maybe global warming who knows...Peggy
We don't have a garage but we have an unheated section of the basement that gets fairly decent light. So we winter over there. It's always a mess with potted plants setting everywhere and then there is the winter squash taking up residence there til it gets eaten.
Is that a fig tree in the last photo? I do admire your determination.
You'd be so proud of me. I cut all the herbs I could in our garden before a frost comes (still hasn't-weird) and put them in a paper bag. They dried and I crushed them, put them in a bottle. Wow! They smell so good-especially the lemon thyme. In Utah that's all you have to do. It's so dry here.
Some times we go into November as well, Peggy.
Carol, everything grew so well because of the heat. We have a lot of herbal tropical plants and it is very much like a jungle. Fortunately we don't have squash to take up space as well.
Yes, TG. We have three figs in containers. One had 55 and another 65! It was a very good year for figs at our house.
Thanks ladies for stopping by!
Sorry Julie, you slipped between the other three ladies and my comment! Good for you! I'm always trying to dry lots of different herbs. It is always delightful to have all those glorious smells throughout the winter. Thanks for your comment!
it is so nice you have somewhere to overwinter plants. i just don't, but wish i did! lol I will just enjoy looking at yours:) xx
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