Hay Bales in the Field |
Village in the English Countryside |
A Row of Houses in England |
Really England reminds me in a lot of ways of my home state of Pennsylvania! These were photos taken on the train from Exeter to London! The transportation system in England is generally a good one. Wish we had more chances to take trains here. Took the train to New York once! Oh, I took the train to New York twice! The other time was when I was a little girl just six! A long ride! Well, next time we visit England, I show you some of the interesting gardens near or in London. Hope you had a great day wherever you may be. Talk to you later.
Except for the lovely rock buildings, those pasture scenes could have been taken in Texas. When I lived in Connecticut (a 100 years ago) I loved taking the train. Us Americans are in too big of a hurry to get where we are going to enjoy a train ride.
It is true, TG! Thanks for coming by!
Very good shots for being taken from a moving train.
I think the bales are more likely to be straw; wheat or barley.
Oops! Thanks for the correction, Alan! I just put my camera up to the window and held the shutter down! Thanks for stopping by!
Love the pictures of England -- one of my favorite places to be!
Mine as well, Martha. Thanks for stopping by!
Love the pictures! Thanks for posting on my blog and for the flowing energy for us!
My pleasure, Peggy! Glad things are going well!
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