Bertha Reppert's Herbs of the Zodiac |
Today is the beginning of the Virgo birthdays. I just happen to be a Virgo. Happy Birthday to my friend, Paula! Today is her birthday! The above photo is a great little booklet from Rosemary House and Bertha Reppert called Bertha Reppert's Herbs of the Zodiac.
Bertha writes "Born between August 23 and September 22, Virgoans are orderly, methodical and rarely impulsive. Patience and perseverance make them accomplish a great deal especially in the fields of literature, drama or music. Pisces is the ideal partner of Virgo. (The Herbal Husband is a Pisces.) They are conservative about food, food preparation and food service, enjoying simplicity and neatness." (I would rewrite that sentence to say Virgos like to eat, don't like to cook and serve and would rather have someone else cook for them! The Herbal Husband fits that to a tee!) My comments are in parentheses.
An Earth sign, ruled by the planet Mercury, Virgo symbolizes the realization of hopes. You should avoid doubting your capabilities and antagonizing others. (Ooops! I think I have done both of those items to avoid!)
Twelve Herbs for Virgoans are wild carrot, bay leaves (a favorite of mine), ferns, sweet marjoram (a favorite of mine), celery, meadowsweet, sorrel, almond (a favorite of mine, Bertha says to eat six every day), lady's mantle (a favorite of mine), hops, rue, and gardenia (a favorite of mine). Had one birthday dinner last night at T.G.I. Friday's. Free dessert and I got to eat most of it! Vanilla Bean Cheesecake! Very excellent! Plan on celebrating more! So happy birthday to all you Virgos out in the world! Talk to you later.